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It is crucial to keep DevOps monitoring

A DevOps approach extends continuous monitoring into the staging, testing, even development environments. There are numerous reasons for this.

Frequent code changes demand visibility

The constant code modifications triggered from continuous integration, deployment has made it more difficult to keep up with the pace of changes and made production environments more complicated. With microservices and micro front-ends gaining traction in the modern cloud native environment There are hundreds and often thousands of various workloads that are running within production having distinct operational requirements in terms of size and redundancy, latency and security.

This has created the need for better transparency. Teams must not just identify and address an unsatisfactory customer experience, but also do it in a timely way.

Automated collaboration

DevOps implies more collaboration between development operations, development, and business tasks within teams. But collaboration can be hindered due to a lack of interoperability between tools, which creates challenges in coordinating with teams from different departments. This is a major takeaway of Atlassian's DevOps survey.

It is possible to automate collaboration using methods like getting an complete overview of the dev pipeline in your editor. Additionally, you can set up automation rules to listen for pull or commit requests and then change the status of any related Jira issues and post notifications to your team's Slack channel. Additionally, make use of the insights that offer scanning tests, analysis, and scanning reports.


The necessity to enhance products to meet the needs of customers, driven by personalized experiences and optimized funnels for conversion which leads to continuous experimentation. Production environments can conduct hundreds of experiments and have flags, making it difficult for systems to monitor to determine the reason for the degraded experience.

The growing demands for always-on applications and services and the stringent SLA commitments can create the risk of vulnerability for applications. Developers must make sure they have defined service-level goals (SLOs) as well as service level indicators (SLI) that are regularly monitored and then acted upon. To be professional in DevOps c]it is recommended to take DevOps Training.

Change management

Since the majority of production outages result from changes, managing change is vital, particularly in mission-critical applications like those found in the healthcare and financial sectors. Changes that are risky need to be identified and approval processes must be automated according to the likelihood of the changes.

To tackle these issues, you need an extensive understanding and monitoring strategy. This means defining and accepting the monitoring methods and having sophisticated, flexible and powerful monitors that will be essential to the development process.

Dependent system monitoring

Distributed systems are now becoming more prevalent, usually consisting of multiple smaller, cross-company services. Teams must now not just monitor the systems they develop as well as control the efficiency and availability of their dependent systems. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers more than 175 different products and services, including computing storage databases, networking analytics, deployment management mobile, and developer tools. If you are building your application using AWS it is important to be sure to select the correct service that meets the requirements that your program will require. It is also necessary to have instruments and strategies to track the causes of errors in a distributed way and deal with failures of dependent systems.

Essential features of DevOps monitoring

In keeping with the DevOps tradition, developing and implementing a monitoring strategy also requires attention to core practices and a set of tools.

Testing with Shift-left

Shift-left testing performed earlier in the lifecycle improves the quality of tests and speed up test cycles and minimize mistakes. To DevOps teams, it's essential to broaden the practice of testing with shift left to assess the condition of the pre-production environment. Monitoring is carried out early and frequently so that continuity throughout production and ensure that the quality of alerts from monitoring remain high-quality. Monitoring and testing should cooperate and early monitoring assisting to determine the behavior of the application during the key user journeys as well as transactions. This can also help to determine the performance and availability issues prior to the deployment in production.

Monitoring and alerts for incidents

In the cloud-native age, incidents are as regular a part of life as code bugs. These include hardware and network malfunctions, configuration issues and resources being exhausted, data inconsistencies as well as bugs in software. DevOps teams must be prepared for incidents and have monitors of high-quality that can respond to these incidents.

Some of the most effective ways to assist with this include:

Build a culture of collaboration, where monitoring is used during development along with feature/functionality and automated tests
During development create appropriate, high-quality, alerts in your code so that you can reduce the time it takes to identify (MTTD) and the mean time to identify (MTTI)
Monitors are built to ensure that the dependent services function according to plan
Give time to construct the necessary dashboards and to train team members on how to use them.
Create "war game" in order to make sure monitors are operating as expected and to catch any monitors that are not working.
During sprints, make plans to finish actions taken that were reviewed in previous incidents and review, focusing on actions that relate to the construction of monitors that are not present and automation
Build detectors for security (upgrades/patches/rolling credentials)
Develop an "measure and keep track of everything" attitude, and automate the correct response to alerts

DevOps monitoring tools

Complementing a set of healthy monitoring practices are advanced tools that align with the DevOps/YBIYRI culture. This requires attention to identifying and implementing monitoring tools, in addition to the well understood developer tools of code repositories, IDEs, debuggers, defect tracking, continuous integration tools and deployment tools.

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