CodeNewbie Community 🌱

Discussion on: #CNC2021 "Code More" Mission 1 Submission Thread

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Neha Maity • Edited

Reasons to code more:

  1. Want a job at a company that has a positive impact on the world
  2. Establish a practice to code diligently
  3. Learn new technologies & data science and apply skills to real world problems

Achieving my code more goal:

  1. Set aside time to code each week due to intrinsic motivation
  2. Feel empowered to continue working on my current project
  3. Keep up with my habit tracker to establish practice of coding regularly

Three assumptions for reaching my goal:

  1. Stick to my allotted time slots
  2. Motivation to have a meaningful job will help me code more
  3. Have the resilience and passion to get through the hard parts

Riskiest assumption is having resilience and passion to get through the hard parts

Root causes of my riskiest assumption:

  1. Hindrance due to wanting perfection
  2. Fear of failure
  3. No motivation to continue

Acknowledge root causes:

  1. Understanding failure is a learning experience
  2. Need to first start, then tweak the project to make it as best as it can possibly be
  3. Envision the end result, and use that to motivate me

The biggest cause that is worth tackling is hindrance due to wanting perfection