CodeNewbie Community 🌱

Discussion on: [#CNC2022 Cohort 1 "Learn in Public"] Tell us how your series is going!

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Neha Maity • Edited

Hi everyone, my name is Neha and my article series is on conducting basic data analysis in Python using Jupyter Notebook.

1. How has your "Learn in Public" series creation been going so far?
It's been going well and also taking longer than anticipated. I have just caught up with mission 3 this week. I'm learning to space out when I'm doing research so I don't get overwhelmed and do too much at once.

2. What other avenues for learning in public are you considering?
I'm considering posting threads on Twitter with my learnings in a condensed format. I am also planning to check out some CFPs and share my learnings as a talk!

Closing Thoughts
This challenge has made me level up and be focused on completing something I have wanted to for a while but haven't gotten around to doing. I am grateful for the journey!