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Cover image for [#CNC2022 Cohort 1 "Learn in Public"] Tell us how your series is going!
CodeNewbie Staff for CodeNewbie Team

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[#CNC2022 Cohort 1 "Learn in Public"] Tell us how your series is going!

This thread is for participants in Cohort 1 of #CNC2022's "Learn in Public" Challenge.

Mission 3 Thread

After you've completed the reading and exercises in your Mission 3 email (to be sent at 1:30 PM on Monday, February 14, 2022), respond to the following prompts related to the work you've done...

1. How has your "Learn in Public" series creation been going so far?
2. What other avenues for learning in public are you considering?

After you've left your comment in the thread, find one or twoย other people in the thread and introduce yourself by replying to them here. If youย already feel familiar with the concept they've picked to learn, feel free to share any resources that helped you master it.ย 

Congrats on challenging yourself to Learn in Public! If you have any questions about the challenge overall, head to the Learn in Public Help Thread. For any technical questions throughout the challenge (or in general) write a #help post on CodeNewbie Community or DEV and share with the community!

Top comments (3)

theoriginalbpc profile image
Sarah Dye
  1. Mine is going very slowly. Mostly due to getting organized. I've been taking my reflection from the last mission as well as looking over my mission plans to see what I could change and what I could do to make things better. This meant making subtle changes to estimates, changing around my schedule a bit, and updating my initial plan a bit. I think my series is a balancing act since I'm trying to learn how to make videos before I can start publishing videos of what I'm learning.

  2. Right now the only other alternative I'm considering is going back to blogging and writing more posts. I haven't written posts for awhile so I'm considering doing that again as I learn how to make and edit videos. I just learned how to use Audacity recently so I might use this tool as a way to make audio recordings of what I'm learning and sharing them in some way. Then there's always social media. I think if I did use social media to learn, it would be another opportunity to do a round of 100 Days of Code.

nehamaity profile image
Neha Maity

I relate to you on the change in estimates. The challenge has also taken me longer than expected. I commend you on learning to make videos! I imagine it's quite the learning experience.

nehamaity profile image
Neha Maity • Edited

Hi everyone, my name is Neha and my article series is on conducting basic data analysis in Python using Jupyter Notebook.

1. How has your "Learn in Public" series creation been going so far?
It's been going well and also taking longer than anticipated. I have just caught up with mission 3 this week. I'm learning to space out when I'm doing research so I don't get overwhelmed and do too much at once.

2. What other avenues for learning in public are you considering?
I'm considering posting threads on Twitter with my learnings in a condensed format. I am also planning to check out some CFPs and share my learnings as a talk!

Closing Thoughts
This challenge has made me level up and be focused on completing something I have wanted to for a while but haven't gotten around to doing. I am grateful for the journey!