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Hello There!


I am new to the tech world and have heard many great things about this industry. As a beginner I have come across β€œThe Frontend Trinity”, which is HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I’ve learned that HTML is: HyperText Markup Language and deals with the structure of the content, coming with default styles. CSS is: Cascading Style Sheets and it gives the style to the content, such as color, font, borders, backgrounds, the list goes on. As for Javascript, it denotes the behavior of a webpage. I am still in the very early stages of Javascript, and hear that it is definitely a challenge getting adjusted to and mastering. Insert nervous laugh

Although I am in the early stages of each language I’d have to say I enjoyed one the most out of all of them. CSS was very interesting and fun to learn to be able to adjust and make a webpage look nice (I guess it's because I love art and sometimes create, and aim for perfection!) I enjoyed being able to look at a variety of color schemes for a webpage, fonts, font size, etc. I also was intrigued that it's possible to create art! I also would find myself browsing through different websites to see what aspects I like and dislike on a webpage.

I find this helpful personally since I am developing a webpage based on something I find interesting, this can help me formulate a page I envision. I am eager to learn more to be able to input more, being able to have a satisfying finished product. I am curious and invested in finding out what it takes to create the type of website that people flock to. My goal is to push myself in learning new aspects of CSS to be able to do things like this. Wish me luck!

Latest comments (4)

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden • Edited

Hey Kiara! Welcome I hope you enjoy your journey learning programming.

reneessance22 profile image

Thanks Andrew!

lfosgett profile image
Lauren Fosgett

Hi, Kiara! I'm also going back to the basics and getting a deeper understanding of CSS. There's just so much you can do! Best of luck in your continued learning!!

Have you seen ? It's so cool to see how many designs you can create with even the same HTML markup. Truly limitless.

reneessance22 profile image

Thank you Lauren! Same to you. I will definitely check it out :)