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Abdulrahman Noble
Abdulrahman Noble

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Checkbox disappears after refreshing page using localStorage API

Good day! Checkboxes are successfully added to the list element.

First Example

I want to understand why they disappear after refreshing the page.
Also, checkmark SVGs should be displayed right away after creating a todo list. It appears only when refreshing the page.

Second Example

Code from createModule:

import { todo, setLocalStorage } from "./storageModule";
import { todoValue, todoAlert, listItems } from "./initialModule";
import { setAlertMessage } from "./alertModule";

function CreateToDoItems() {
    if (todoValue.value === "") {
      todoAlert.innerText = "Please enter your todo text!";
      } else { 
        let li = document.createElement("li");
        const todoItems = `<input type="checkbox" onclick="CompletedToDoItems(this)" id="todo-check" name="todo-check"/>
                        <div title="Hit Double Click and Complete" ondblclick="CompletedToDoItems(this)">${todoValue.value}</div><div>
                        <svg class="edit todo-controls" onclick="UpdateToDoItems(this)"  xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><title>pencil</title><path d="M20.71,7.04C21.1,6.65 21.1,6 20.71,5.63L18.37,3.29C18,2.9 17.35,2.9 16.96,3.29L15.12,5.12L18.87,8.87M3,17.25V21H6.75L17.81,9.93L14.06,6.18L3,17.25Z" /></svg>
                        <svg class="delete todo-controls" onclick="DeleteToDoItems(this)" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><title>delete</title><path d="M18,19C18,20.66 16.66,22 15,22H8C6.34,22 5,20.66 5,19V7H4V4H8.5L9.5,3H13.5L14.5,4H19V7H18V19M6,7V19C6,20.1 6.9,21 8,21H15C16.1,21 17,20.1 17,19V7H6M18,6V5H14L13,4H10L9,5H5V6H18M8,9H9V19H8V9M14,9H15V19H14V9Z" /></svg>`;
        li.innerHTML = todoItems;

        if (!todo) {
          todo = [];
        let itemList = { item: todoValue.value, status: false };
      todoValue.value = "";
      setAlertMessage("Todo item Created Successfully!");


 window.CreateToDoItems = CreateToDoItems;
 export let globalCreateToDoItems = window.CreateToDoItems;
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Code from completedModule:

import { todo, setLocalStorage } from "./storageModule";
import { setAlertMessage } from "./alertModule";

function CompletedToDoItems(e) {
    if (e.parentElement.querySelector("div").style.textDecoration === "") {
      const svg = document.createElement("svg");
      svg.setAttribute("xmlns", "");
      svg.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 24 24");
      svg.innerHTML = '<title>check-bold</title><path d="M9,20.42L2.79,14.21L5.62,11.38L9,14.77L18.88,4.88L21.71,7.71L9,20.42Z"';
      svg.className = "todo-controls";

      const todoCheck = document.getElementById("todo-check");
      todoCheck.checked = true;
      e.parentElement.querySelector("div").style.textDecoration = "line-through";

      todo.forEach((element) => {
        if (
          e.parentElement.querySelector("div").innerText.trim() == element.item
        ) {
          element.status = true;
      setAlertMessage("Todo item Completed Successfully!");

  window.CompletedToDoItems = CompletedToDoItems;

  export let globalCompletedToDoItems = window.CompletedToDoItems;
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Top comments (1)

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