CodeNewbie Community 🌱

Discussion on: Portfolio Website Challenge.

sheriffderek profile image

This seems like the order of importance:

  1. CONTENT: About Me - Include your name, a photo, and a short blurb about your skills, what you’ve done, and where you hope to go in your career.
  2. CONTACT: Contact Me - Include a contact form or your social media channels(LinkedIn and GitHub profiles).
  3. LAYOUT (don't make it not-responsive)


  1. Projects - Samples of your work. (if you have them?)

Cool animated loader(Nice to have). (why?) (what would be loading?)
Hosted on GitHub. (Why? What if you already have a server?)

Consider this as well:

softwaredvlpr_ profile image
software Devlpr

Thanks for the tips🙂.

Projects(If you have them?) Yeah if you have them but isn’t the whole point of this to showcase your work?

Loader - Loading into your site(Optional).

Hosted on GitHub, this was written with students in mind, where I come from most people/students don’t have server hence GitHub.

sheriffderek profile image

I think that having a solid basic “business card” site is much more important than showing your projects.

There are 10s of thousands of boot camp graduate sites that all seem the same. Surely, writing about your work and showing some case studies is great! Even a series of CodePen s can be enough. I’m just saying you can think of it like progressive enhancement. A side with your info is better than an unfinished portfolio / or a portfolio with projects that don’t tell your story well.

I’ll make a post about it!

Thanks for getting people motivated!