I have this code where it currently runs on Static or hard-coded, in order for me to finish a module of the system that I am working on I need this to be in dynamic form but I am not sure how to do it and I have a deadline by next week. i hope someone can help, please reply or message me :)
this is my code in static
// Data for the items and their values
const items = {
aluminum: 7010.56,
amorphous_ribbon: 26192.94,
copper: 18483.72,
silicon_steel: 0,
silicon_steel_amdt_core_wrap: 417.78,
dielectric_fluid_high_fire_point_f: 0,
dielectric_fluid_high_fire_point_m: 0,
dielectric_fluid_mineral: 10248.30,
bushing: 3120.60,
painted_tank: 9994.53,
accessories: 1353.61 ,
bus_bar: 0,
core_coil_frame: 976.95,
coil_support: 158.18,
corrugated_fin: 0,
epoxy: 335.50 ,
gasket: 0,
nameplate: 40.18,
paper_insulation: 2346.25,
pole_line_hardware: 0,
sticker: 82.32
function calculateValues() {
const modelNumber = document.getElementById("model_no").value;
const customValueField = document.getElementById("custom_value");
const bomValueField = document.getElementById("bom_value");
const otherMaterialField = document.getElementById("other_materials_input");
const otherMaterialsField = document.getElementById("other_materials_col");
const hardwareInput = document.getElementById("hardware_input");
const hardwareField = document.getElementById("hardware_col");
const totalInput = document.getElementById("total_input");
const totalField = document.getElementById("total_col");
const directLaborInput = document.getElementById("direct_labor_input");
const directLaborCol = document.getElementById("direct_labor_col");
const overheadInput = document.getElementById("overhead_input");
const overheadField = document.getElementById("overhead_col");
const targetCostInput = document.getElementById("target_cost");
const targetCostField = document.getElementById("target_cost_col");
const allowanceInput = document.getElementById("allowance_input");
const allowanceField = document.getElementById("allowance_col");
const standardCostInput = document.getElementById("standard_cost");
const standardCostField = document.getElementById("standard_cost_col");
const markupInput = document.getElementById("markup");
const markupField = document.getElementById("mark_up");
const tpWithoutVatInput = document.getElementById("tp_without");
const tpWithoutVatField = document.getElementById("tpwithout");
const tpWithVatInput = document.getElementById("tp_with");
const tpWithVatField = document.getElementById("tpwith");
const gpmInput = document.getElementById("gpm");
const gpmField = document.getElementById("g_pm");
if (modelNumber === "NC533") {
// Calculate the "Custom Value" based on the formula
const customValue = items.aluminum + items.amorphous_ribbon +
items.copper + items.silicon_steel + items.silicon_steel_amdt_core_wrap +
items.dielectric_fluid_high_fire_point_f + items.dielectric_fluid_high_fire_point_m +
items.dielectric_fluid_mineral + items.bushing + items.painted_tank;
// Limit the result to two decimal places
const customValueRounded = customValue.toFixed(2);
customValueField.value = customValueRounded;
bomValueField.textContent = customValueRounded;
// Calculate the "Other Materials" based on the specified formula
const otherMaterials = items.accessories + items.bus_bar + items.core_coil_frame +
items.coil_support + items.corrugated_fin + items.epoxy + items.gasket +
items.lv_terminal + items.nameplate + items.paper_insulation +
items.pole_line_hardware + items.sticker;
// Limit the result to two decimal places
const otherMaterialsRounded = otherMaterials.toFixed(2);
// otherMaterialsField.textContent = otherMaterialsRounded;
otherMaterialsField.textContent = otherMaterialsRounded;
otherMaterialField.value = otherMaterialsRounded;
// Calculate "Hardware" based on the formula "totalDirectMaterials + totalOtherMaterials * 1%"
const hardware = (customValue + otherMaterials) * 0.01;
// // Limit the result to two decimal places
const hardwareRounded = Math.round(hardware * 100) / 100;
hardwareField.value = hardwareRounded.toFixed(2); // Display in the input with 2 decimal places
hardwareField.textContent = hardwareRounded;
document.getElementById("hardware_input").value = 0;
// Calculate the "TOTAL" based on the formula "total of direct material + total other material + hardware"
const total = customValue + otherMaterials;
// Limit the result to two decimal places
const totalRounded = total.toFixed(2);
totalInput.value = totalRounded;
totalField.textContent = totalRounded;
// Define the array of values for direct labor
const directLaborValues = [
216.47, 20.10, 18.07, 0.00, 17.23, 17.39, 240.28, 37.94, 7.90, 0.00, 14.12,
47.92, 78.22, 113.61, 61.56, 66.17, 205.82, 152.09, 306.83, 161.08, 208.92, 423.70, 258.92, 80.86
// Calculate the total direct labor
const totalDirectLabor = directLaborValues.reduce((acc, value) => acc + value, 0);
// Limit the result to two decimal places
const totalDirectLaborRounded = totalDirectLabor.toFixed(2);
// Set the value in the "Direct Labor" input field and the displayed field
directLaborInput.value = totalDirectLaborRounded;
directLaborCol.textContent = totalDirectLaborRounded;
// Specific values for the overhead cost
const overheadCosts = [2668.66, 4875.40, 1596.15, 1346.61, 832.25];
// Calculate the "Overhead Cost" as the sum of the provided values
const overheadCost = overheadCosts.reduce((acc, value) => acc + value, 0);
// Limit the result to two decimal places
const overheadCostRounded = overheadCost.toFixed(2);
// Set the value in the "Overhead Cost" input field and displayed field
overheadInput.value = overheadCostRounded;
overheadField.textContent = overheadCostRounded;
// Calculate the "Target Cost" based on the formula "customValue + totalDirectLabor + overheadCost"
const targetCost = total + totalDirectLabor + overheadCost;
// Limit the result to two decimal places
const targetCostRounded = targetCost.toFixed(2);
targetCostInput.value = targetCostRounded;
targetCostField.textContent = targetCostRounded;
const allowanceValue = 10;
allowanceInput.value = allowanceValue + '%'; // Add '%' symbol to indicate it's a percentage
allowanceField.textContent = allowanceValue + '%'; // Update the displayed value
// Calculate the "Standard Cost" based on the formula "Target Cost + 10% of Total Material Cost"
const standardCost = targetCost + (0.1 * total);
//limit the result to two decimal places
const standardCostRounded = standardCost.toFixed(2);
standardCostInput.value = standardCostRounded;
standardCostField.textContent = standardCostRounded;
const markupValue = 36.5;
markupInput.value = markupValue + '%'; // Add '%' symbol to indicate it's a percentage
markupField.textContent = markupValue + '%'; // Update the displayed value
// Convert markupValue from percentage to decimal
const markupDecimal = markupValue / 100;
// Calculate "TP Without VAT" based on the formula "standardCost * (1 + markupDecimal)"
const tpWithoutVat = standardCost * (1 + markupDecimal);
// Limit the result to two decimal places
const tpWithoutVatRounded = Math.round(tpWithoutVat * 100) / 100;
tpWithoutVatInput.value = tpWithoutVatRounded.toFixed(2); // Display in the input with 2 decimal places
tpWithoutVatField.textContent = tpWithoutVat.toFixed(2); // Update the displayed value
// Assuming tpWithoutVat is calculated in the previous steps
const vatPercentage = 12; // VAT
// Convert vatPercentage from percentage to decimal
const vatDecimal = vatPercentage / 100;
// Calculate "TP With VAT" based on the formula "tpWithoutVat * (1 + vatDecimal)"
const tpWithVat = tpWithoutVat * (1 + vatDecimal);
// Limit the result to two decimal places
const tpWithVatRounded = Math.round(tpWithVat * 100) / 100;
tpWithVatInput.value = tpWithVatRounded.toFixed(2); // Display in the input with 2 decimal places
tpWithVatField.textContent = tpWithVat.toFixed(2); // Update the displayed value
// Calculate the "Gross Profit Margin" based on the formula "(tpWithoutVat - standardCost) / tpWithoutVat"
const tpWithoutVat2 = parseFloat(tpWithoutVatInput.value);
const standardCost2 = parseFloat(standardCostInput.value);
const gpm = (tpWithoutVat - standardCost) / tpWithoutVat;
// Update the "Gross Profit Margin" fields
gpmInput.value = (gpm * 100).toFixed(2) + '%'; // Format to two decimal places and add a percentage sign
gpmField.textContent = (gpm * 100).toFixed(2) + '%'; // Update the displayed value with percentage
} else {
// Reset all fields if the model number is not found
customValueField.textContent = '0';
bomValueField.textContent = '0';
otherMaterialsInput.value = '';
otherMaterialsField.textContent = '0';
hardwareInput.value = '';
hardwareField.textContent = '0';
totalInput.value = '';
totalField.textContent = '0';
directLaborInput.value = '';
directLaborField.textContent = '0';
overheadInput.value = '';
overheadField.textContent = '0';
targetCostInput.value = '';
targetCostField.textContent = '0';
allowanceInput.value = '';
allowanceField.textContent = '0%';
markupInput.value = '';
markupField.textContent = '';
standardCostInput.value = '';
standardCostField.textContent = '';
tpWithoutVatInput.value = '';
tpWithoutVatField.textContent = '';
gpmInput.value = '';
gpmField.textContent = '';
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