CodeNewbie Community 🌱

Laura Villa for SunDevs Inc.

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What should you consider before hiring dedicated offshore developers?

What does it mean to contract offshore developers? This model applies to recruiting developers in other regions or countries. If you are looking for an engineer who can work on your project, you can do so through a partner company to explore design options, hire employees and even hire freelancers.

Before taking the decision of hire developers through the offshore model you need to establish some points you can't lose sight of:

  1. You have to clarify the project's goals
  2. You must know what skills you need
  3. You have to know the development’s cost
  4. You should consider product’s security
  5. You have to establish an excellent communication

What qualities should you look for in a dedicated developer?

  • Soft skills: Have initiative, have an open mind, work well in a team, be proactive, manage time properly, be persevering and patient, having a creative and innovative mind and be kind.

  • Hard skills: Know about data and algorithm structure, programming language, source code control, front- end and back-end programming and work with databases.

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