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6 Smart Places to Put Videos on Your Website

Are you wondering if video content is right for your website?

Regardless of your industry or size, I'd argue the answer is a resounding yes! The average person spends around 100 minutes each day watching video content. People enjoy this format because it's more engaging, allows them to multitask, and is a great way to quickly get a lot of information.

It's also worth mentioning that experienced marketers and new startups are seeing tremendous success from videos. In fact, 91% of people who've tried video marketing say it increased their traffic, while 87% say it had a direct impact on sales.

Pretty awesome, right?

You can harness these same benefits if you're willing to strategically add videos to your website. If you're not sure where to start, I have you covered. I'm going to share 6 smart places where you can start adding videos for more traffic, clicks, and conversions. We've used these same strategies across our 10+ websites and have seen nothing but positive growth.

I'm positive the same is possible for you, too, so let's dive in! 


The first strategy I want to discuss is adding videos to your homepage. Your homepage is the very first thing most people will see when they find your website. If you can't instantly grab their attention and convince them that they'll find something worthwhile on your site, there's a chance they could leave before they know who you are or what you're about.

Adding video content to this part of your website will help you make a good first impression, which is crucial for immediately connecting with visitors.

Here are a few ideas you can use for your site:

  • A short welcome video that explains what your company offers and your mission or vision. For the best results, keep it upbeat, exciting, and under 2 minutes.
  • A product demo or explainer video highlights the product or service you're known for. Briefly explain what it is you provide and how it can help them.
  • Build your credibility by promoting video reviews from real customers. When people see that other people are excited about a brand, they're more likely to stick around and learn more.

About Us Page

Homepage videos are a great way to capture your audience's attention and introduce yourself, but videos on your 'about us' page allow you to take it a step further. After people see the first video, they'll probably have some questions about who exactly you are, which is why they'll click 'about us' on your site.

This video can be a little longer than 2 minutes because you're putting faces and personalities to the company. People tend to feel more connected to brands when they know the people behind the scenes.

Use this opportunity to speak directly to your audience and let your passion shine through. I also advise including the text transcript below the video so it's accessible to anyone who visits your site. 

Product Landing Pages

In my opinion, product landing pages are one of the best places for video content on your website. These pages already contain a lot of information about a specific product or service you offer, so adding a video is a great way to bring that content to life and help convert visitors into customers.

You can create plenty of different kinds of content for your landing pages. The most common types are video demonstrations, customer testimonials, and explainer videos. 

Video demonstrations allow visitors to see your product in action. Sometimes, people need to see what something can do instead of reading about it. If you're selling physical products, this is also a good opportunity to show the size, scale, and shape of your product. 

Testimonials help people see what other people think of your product, which can have a direct impact on whether they decide to place an order. 

Finally, explainer videos are a good opportunity to walk visitors through how your product works. This is similar to a demonstration, except, as the name implies, each step is explained in great detail to give viewers a better understanding of what's being offered. 

Your Blog

There's no doubt that your blog is an excellent spot for video content. For one thing, a vast majority of people who make it to your site will check out your blog. If you manage to impress them, there's a good chance they will return to your site in the future. We found that close to 80% of internet users say they visit blogs they enjoy regularly.

My advice is to create videos that complement your posts. For example, if you have an article called '10 Ways to Grow Your Email List,' you'd make a video where you read through the tips and go over a few more examples for each tip.

If done correctly, videos on your blog will result in longer dwell times and more engagement. Many people find this type of content helpful for multitasking. It's easier to listen to a blog post while you're on your lunch break at work, for instance.

Are you curious as to how much this strategy can help? Consider this: On average, adding videos to a blog can improve organic traffic by a whopping 157%. You can exceed this number if you consistently upload interesting, relevant content along with high-quality videos.

Reviews and Testimonials

A reviews and testimonials page on your site can make a big difference in your conversion rate. Adding videos to these pages will make people trust you even more and help you build your reputation in the industry.

For context, it's estimated that 97% of shoppers look for reviews before they make a purchase. They want to know if a product is right for them, and the best way to tell is by seeing what other people are saying about the company or specific product.

A review page is a terrific way to keep people on your site while showing them the social proof they need to make an informed decision.

I suggest choosing reviews from product pages and social media that highlight the different features and benefits you want people to know about. 

Virtual Courses

Whether you're selling courses or offering them for free, videos are a must for this type of content. People turn to online classes or courses because they want to learn something new. Some people are fine with text-only learning, but not everyone. At this point, I'd say that most people are visual learners.

Video can help humanize your content, set the pace, and make each lesson more engaging for prospects and students. This tip is especially important if you want people to take a free trial course and then buy the entire lesson plan. You have to win them over during the introductory period, or they probably won't get to the end.

You can create videos and text transcripts and use these as the foundation for your lessons. Let people read along or follow the video, whichever is more comfortable for them, and you can expect to see a surge in new traffic and sales from your virtual courses. 


So there you have it -- 6 smart places to put videos on your website. The following strategies will help you connect with your audience and gradually boost traffic, engagement, and conversions. 

My final tip for you is to start with one or two locations at a time. You don't want to overwhelm yourself or repeat visitors. If I had to pick two to start with, I would say go for your homepage and product landing pages. Over time, work videos into your blog so you can begin to see the SEO and engagement benefits that come with this change. 

Before long, you'll have a site that's full of interesting, clickable, and well-placed videos.

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