Writer . YouTuber . Creator . Mentor
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My Favorite HTML5 Tips and Tricks
HTML • 312 stars
List of JavaScript tips and tricks I am learning everyday!
JavaScript • 201 stars
Useful HTML file upload tips for web developers
HTML • 150 stars
react-notification-timeline is a react based component helps in managing the notification in time-based manner.
JavaScript • 129 stars
Demolab is my fantasy project created to understand the power of JAMstack using JavaScript(Reactjs), API(Netlify and Aws) and pre-built Markup(Gatsby).
JavaScript • 86 stars
Learn CSS animation with fun. It is simple, easy to use, and fun to learn.
HTML • 64 stars
The `princess-finder` is a fun app to use a bit of machine learning in the browser. This app was built as part of the Hashnode's #christmashackathon.
JavaScript • 36 stars
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