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Discussion on: What talk are you most excited to experience at CodeLand 2022?

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Tauri StClaire

Tauri's Faves for Codeland 2022

Ok I didn't do that much whittling down, but I have a top 3 for each day!


  1. The Shared Responsibility of Tech Ethics with Erin Mikail Staples
  2. How I Tracked My Pregnancy with Python & Emojis with Hannah Hazi
  3. Lighting Talk Building Your “Accomplishment Journal”: with Matt Van Itallie and Sema Software


  1. Open Toolbox: Design Systems for Developers with Kathryn Grayson Nanz
  2. Accessibility in Design with Bethany Jepchumba
  3. Inclusive Web Development with Clifford Ouma

I am a queer, Latinx, neurodivergent coder and my fiancee is a disabled veteran so Accessability and Inclusivity really matter to me! I care a lot about ethics and read a lot of sci-fi to inform my thoughts. {:
I love data and tech applied to our complicated and social and biological lives so I'm really fascinated by using Python to track pregnancy!


/***** I am in love with software engineering and breaking into tech! Follow my learning on my LinkedIn as I learn front end > UX design > Python *****/

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That's what I should have done! I had tried to get down to only three and failed.. I did get down to four!