CodeNewbie Community 🌱

Discussion on: [#CNC2022 "Start Coding" Cohort 1] What are your coding goals?

thatohgi profile image

Use these reflection questions to inform and design your personal, learn-to-code curriculum. Write your answers in your dedicated notes document.

Q1: Why are you learning to code?
A1: I have always had an interest in computers and how they work, as I have gotten older that curiosity has turned to how the programs and software work.
Now that I am moving from computers as a hobby to a career I want to better understand programming languages on a basic level to make me a better engeneer.

Q2: What’s your goal?
A2: In 6 months I want to be comfortable writing in one popular language like Python, and to be comfortable in BASH scripting.
In 12 months I want to be using my coding skills on a regular basis at work or on a dedicated open source project.

Q3:What does successful learning look like to you? Is it about building a bunch of projects, having a deeper understanding of a particular technology,
passing a certification, something else? Visualize and write down what success looks like to you.
A3:Success in coding to me is getting a job where I can use my skills on a weekly/daily basis.

Q4: How will you measure that success? Is it about the amount of time spent, badges collected, courses completed? Are there tools you can use to track your
learning so that you can measure your progress and document your success?
A4: Daily practice is the basic measure of success but my long term measure of success is being able to demonstrate that skill with a certification.
I will Use GitHub to keep track of my daily coding practice so I can see those green dots build on my Repo

Q5:Do you have a timeline, or any deadlines, associated with your learning goals? Do you need to pass an exam by a certain day?
Do you need to start applying for jobs by a certain time? Do want to finish a project on a particular date?
Jot down any due dates or important time-related criteria.
A5: I don't have any hard deadlines but I need to maintain a consistent growth path! I would like to have a new job before my birthday, so 6 months is my goal to
have a job that I can show off my writing skills and use them to help others in an open source project. I would like to make a meaningful contribution to the GSD
Project in 2022!