CodeNewbie Community 🌱

Discussion on: CodeLand 2021 Hallway — Day One

towers1209 profile image
Loreto E. Torres

Hello from New Jersey, USA.

I’ve programmed “old era” style before and had been away from the industry for quite a few years now.

Coming back as a newbie - beginner’s mindset, as I understand that the industry has moved on real fast while I was “gone”. Currently working in the retail industry in the area of customer service.

I am looking into going back in the industry at the ripe age of 65. Restarting my career, while the rest of my fellow “baby boomers” are retiring or in retirement.

Hope to find a lot of kindred spirits here.

fizzybuzzybeezy profile image
fizzybuzzybeezy • Edited

Great to have you here Loreto! As another come-back kid, I'm excited to learn about other's experiences in making tech more welcoming and finding my own footing in this ever-broadening, ever-expanding (thank goodness!) space.