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WooCommerce Point Of Sale Plugins

WooCommerce Point Of Sale Plugins

add_action('init', "gomahamaya_tutorial_cpt");

function njengah_tutorial_cpt(){

    $labels = array(
            'name'               =>   _x('Tutorials', 'post type general name'),
            'singular_name'      =>   _x('Tutorial', 'post type singular name'),
            'menu_name'          =>   _x('Tutorials', 'admin menu'),
            'name_admin_bar'     =>   _x('Tutorial', 'add new on admin bar'),
            'add_new'            =>   _x('Add New', ''),
            'add_new_item'       =>   __('Add New tutorial'),
            'edit_item'          =>   __('Edit Tutorial'),
            'new_item'           =>   __('New Tutorial'),
            'all_items'          =>   __('All Tutorial'),
            'view_item'          =>   __('View Tutorial'),
            'search_items'       =>   __('Search Tutorials'),
            'not_found'          =>   __('No Tutorials found'),
            'not_found_in_trash' =>   __('No Tutorials found in Trash'), 
            'parent_item_colon'  =>   __('Parent Tutorials:'),


        $args = array(
            'hierarchical'       =>  true,     
            'labels'             =>  $labels,
            'public'             =>  true,
            'publicly_queryable' =>  true,  
            'description'        => __('Description.'),
            'show_ui'            =>  true, 
            'show_in_menu'       =>  true,
            'show_in_nav_menus'  =>  true,          
            'query_var'          =>  true,
            'rewrite'            =>  true,
            'query_var'          =>  true,
            'rewrite'            =>  array('slug' => 'tutorial'),
            'capability_type'    =>  'page',
            'has_archive'        =>  true, 
            'menu_position'      =>   22,
            "show_in_rest"       =>  true,
            'supports'           =>  array( 'title', 'editor', 'author', 'thumbnail', 'comments', 'revisions', 'page-attributes', 'custom-fields' )

        register_post_type('tutorial', $args);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


1. wePOS

wePOS is a popular WooCommerce POS plugin that comes in both a limited free version and more full-featured premium versions.
With the premium version, you can add unlimited physical locations with unlimited “counters” at each location (like separate checkout counters or devices).
When cashiers log in, they’ll be able to choose their location and counter.

2. Point of Sale System for WooCommerce

The POS system itself is built with React and is quite user-friendly, as you can see in the example above. You can interact with a full-featured demo here.
Point of Sale System for WooCommerce costs $99 with standard Envato licensing (lifetime updates for a single site and six months of support, with an option to pay to extend support to one year).
The fact that you get lifetime updates makes this one by far the most affordable premium WooCommerce POS system plugin.

3. FooSales

FooSales is a WooCommerce POS plugin that comes with both a web version and dedicated tablet apps (for both iOS and Android).
The tablet apps are fairly unique and make it a solid option if you’re looking to use tablets for your POS. With the apps, you can also use offline mode.
To add products, cashiers can either search for them or use a barcode scanner. Cashiers can also manage customer details from the POS interface and sync them with WooCommerce.
Cashiers can process payments via cash, credit card, debit card, and other methods. They can also apply coupons to orders and calculate taxes.

Reference Blog
WooCommerce Point Of Sale Plugins

Top comments (1)

duke427 profile image

WooCommerce Point of Sale (POS) plugins are essential tools for businesses that want to integrate in-store transactions with their online WooCommerce store. These plugins allow retailers to manage both physical and digital sales from a single platform, syncing inventory, orders, and customer data in real-time. Popular options like WooCommerce POS, Hike POS, and Point of Sale for WooCommerce provide glutathione tablets 500mg price in pakistan user-friendly interfaces, enabling businesses to process payments, generate receipts, and handle refunds seamlessly. These plugins are ideal for simplifying operations and improving efficiency for retailers.