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Cover image for Non-CS degree holders, what did you study in college?
Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern

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Non-CS degree holders, what did you study in college?

Top comments (36)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

My official degree is: Bachelor of Arts, with a Major in Commerce and a minor in Canadian Studies.

Within "commerce" I studied a variety of business and organizational structure disciplines, with a focus on marketing.

tonycimaglia profile image
Tony Cimaglia

I never actually finished my bachelor's, but I studied Film and Video. I've thought about going back to finish as a CS major if I can ever convince a company i work for to pay for it 😝.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I studied some film and video in college. Did you try to get into that industry before getting into coding?

tonycimaglia profile image
Tony Cimaglia

I started to lose my passion for the medium the more I studied. Once I realized what working in that industry was actually gonna look like (90hr weeks, no time for family, etc.) I was completely off the idea.

theslamanderson profile image
Chris Anderson

Not sure if this counts, but I have both an associate's and bachelor's degrees in Information Technology. There were programming courses in the curriculum. I initially had a career as an IT Manager but decided I preferred writing code and made the change.

brendamichellle profile image
Brenda Michelle

I have a BA in Sociology 🙂

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Any parts of a sociology degree help you in software development today?

brendamichellle profile image
Brenda Michelle

Maybe the research I had to do during uni 🤔. It has helped me in self-learning a lot. I do a lot of research to find the best resources to build my own curriculum.🙂

hmboyles profile image
holly boyles

I was a registered dental assistant. I am not working on my associates degree in programming.

jordanaf808 profile image

Liberal Arts Yo! (associates degree...)

sheriffderek profile image
sheriffderek • Edited

My official degree is BFA: "Bachelor of Fine Arts." But it hasn't helped me to tell anyone that. In fact, I got more jobs when I took it off my resume. I studied painting and printmaking at CCA(C) in Oakland, CA.

molly profile image
Molly Struve 🦄 (she/her)

Aerospace Engineering 🚀

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Wow so you worked on the development of aircraft and spacecraft. The perfect field for a programmer. Reminds me of the NASA Perseverance rover which just landed on Mars and all of the programming that it must have taken to get it there.

evforija profile image
kristin ides

Liberal Studies with an emphasis in journalism!

ladykerr profile image

I studied Social Work in college and have worked primarily in Government & non-profit industries