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Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern

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What was the first programming language that clicked for you?

Top comments (24)

stephback profile image
Stephanie Back

I want to say Java but that is still a work in progress. However, I recently learned SQL and it clicked! Also if anyone else if learning SQL and wants some fun practice; I found this murder mystery SQL online game. It's a lot of fun and offers a step by step SQL code-along if needed. :)
Link to SQL game:

eeyore_8 profile image
Estelle Orr • Edited

oh thanks! I'm finding back end works better in my brain and it is harder to find classes training in those areas. Nothing against front end work but HTML/CSS doesn't light up my life LOL

stephback profile image
Stephanie Back

Estelle, I agree! I honestly started with the backend thinking it would be a good starting point. It's a lot to learn but it is so much fun. If you are learning SQL; you should check out MySQL Workbench. It is a visual database workbench and it is pretty user friendly. Also it is free!

Are you learning Java too? If so, I have some additional resources. :)

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eeyore_8 profile image
Estelle Orr

Thanks! I'll check out MySQL I haven't start on Java/ Java script yet but I'm open to info :-) I'm really tying to find a path because if I'm gonna make a career jump I want to have a clue about direction. I don't expect to be an expert when I start but right now I feel so lost

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stephback profile image
Stephanie Back

@eeyore8 of course! It is completely normal to feel lost at first. I felt the same way(and definitely cried more than I would like to admit when first starting out). It is very overwhelming to choose your first language especially with so many strong opinions regarding each language online.
I found it easiest to Google the most common languages used in backend development then try some out. I explored languages using Codecademy and FreeCodeCamp.
Java is difficult to learn but not impossible.

yechielk profile image
Yechiel (he/him)

Definitely Ruby!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Same :)

It wasn't the first language I learned, but definitely the first one that clicked.

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

I never really struggled through the languages we used in my college classes (Python, Java, Bash Scripting) but I also wouldn't say I had a deep understanding of them.

My first job out of college was using a Low Code platform that introduced me to HTML/CSS - which again I didn't necessarily struggle with, but definitely wasn't using to the full potential πŸ˜…

And then at my next job JavaScript happened. I struggled so much through arrow functions and promises before they finally started to make sense and the feeling of power that unlocked was amazing πŸ₯³

gashwinshiva profile image


ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Were there any that didn't click before you learned c++?

gashwinshiva profile image

actual this was the only language that was taught in our school and most of the schools in India , so..., but i never tried any other language, other than html and sql , which are not programming per se,

stevenyholm profile image
Steve Nyholm

This is totally gonna date me... but my first language was Pascal. We had a high school AP class in Pascal and I took it for the GPA boost.

luiscastillokc profile image
Luis Castillo

I'm still learning I think the learning will never finish but I started with Ruby and I love Ruby.

joks84 profile image

I'm gonna go with Python. It's not like I'm experienced developer, I did started learning JavaScript as well, but Python is love. I don't know if it is because of the its syntax, possibility to use it basically in every industry, or just because it is the first language I started learning :)

jrrohrer profile image
Jessie Rohrer

Ruby. I knew HTML/CSS prior to learning Ruby, and I had dabbled in JavaScript, C++, and a couple others. But Ruby is where all the concepts clicked for me.

jward8 profile image
JackMichael Ward

In college I learned Java as it was the school had all new comp sci students learn right away. However, I did start programming when I was in high school and I started with HTML and CSS.

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

May I say HTML? 😊

noviicee profile image

Python. Hands-Down πŸ™Œ

tarynmcmillan profile image
Taryn McMillan

C# clicked but it took a while until I really started to get it. Now it's my favourite language.

theoriginalbpc profile image
Sarah Dye


jonoyeong profile image
Jonathan Yeong

Ruby for me! It just felt so natural and easy to read. And much more concise coming from Java!

angelfirenze01 profile image

HTML/CSS was my first coding experience, thanks to Livejournal. I've been learning programming since 2004.