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Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern

Posted on

What are your longterm career goals?

Top comments (12)

andrewprohde profile image
Andy Rohde (he/him)

Long-term, I want to find a developer position with a company that makes a difference in the world. Something completely remote so I can travel across the United States to be close to family and friends that are spread across the country.

aaron profile image
Aaron McCollum

Ecosia is a really cool company - have you heard of them? They are a search engine that plants trees. I hope to apply there eventually.

stewartstack profile image
John Stewart

My ultimate dream is to become a developer of some sort. No entirely sure what side i want to go in yet. I am doing fullstack right now. This is all so i can provide a better life for my boys and wife and be happier than being stuck in a dead end job.

aaron profile image
Aaron McCollum

I really want to be a software developer. I don't care if I work at a big tech company, but the experience of that would be cool. I want to work with others, learn new things, and help build a great product for people to use. Plus we travel around the world for my wife's job so I'd like a career that I can also take with me.

jrrohrer profile image
Jessie Rohrer

I'm finishing up a bootcamp within the next few weeks and am starting to get stuff together for my job hunt. In the next couple of years, I'm hoping to just gain experience both working on a team of developers and as a coder. I am interested in accessibility, and will probably look into getting a certification in the future, then transition into accessibility development specifically.

luiscastillokc profile image
Luis Castillo

My goal is first to get my first Job in coding and my long term is I want to be able to teach others and to talk to a lot of people my experience.

whatnotery profile image
Jos O'shea (they/them) • Edited

I'd ideally like to work as either a front end or full stack developer for a small forward thinking and community minded design or marketing firm, OR working for a small startup who's product is explicitly working towards social good and solving important problems

stephback profile image
Stephanie Back

My goal is to become a successful software developer. I am currently learning backend development but hope to learn the frontend as well. I love learning something new every day and look forward to encountering challenges as I continue to grow as a developer.

Fun fact of the day: Half of a byte is called a nibble.
I know...I couldn't believe it at first either. πŸ˜†
Shout-out to Base.cs podcast for this fun fact!

eeyore_8 profile image
Estelle Orr • Edited

My goal would be to find an interesting career where I can continue to learn and grow and contribute AND have some work away from office flexibility I'm not sure coding fits the bill exactly but I'm checking it out and so far I like what I've found

theoriginalbpc profile image
Sarah Dye

My ultimate goal is to find a full time remote front end web developer role that lets me work with JavaScript and JavaScript frameworks. Besides having a developer job, I'd like to learn more about UX as well as find ways to combine my coding skills with my teaching background.

joks84 profile image

Current priority is finding the job. At the moment, I'm focused on web development, but looking at the future, I do want to switch to data science.

tarynmcmillan profile image
Taryn McMillan

I'd like to be a developer but I'd also love to teach and write. Technical writing is something that has sparked my interest lately so I'm exploring that a bit while still working on game development.