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Cover image for #CNC2022 Cohort 1 Welcome Thread

#CNC2022 Cohort 1 Welcome Thread

CodeNewbie Staff on January 04, 2022

Hello and welcome to CodeNewbie Challenge 2022! We're so excited that you signed up for Cohort 1. Together, we're going to make some real progress ...
theoriginalbpc profile image
Sarah Dye

Hi! I'm Sarah. I did CNC2018 Get a Job in winter 2018. This year I signed up for the Learn in Public challenge. I am always looking for ways to become a confident coder and I believe this challenge will help me dig deeper into tech concepts and share what I'm learning with other developers.

You can follow me here on Code Newbie or on DEV at I'm also very active on Twitter so follow me at @theoriginalbpc.

Although I'll be doing the Learn in Public challenge, I've written a few posts about the CNC2018 Get a Job challenge on DEV. I plan on launching my own YouTube channel this year and I plan on doing some videos on the Code Newbie Get a Job challenge in the future.

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Yeay!!! Looking forward to your YouTube channel, Sarah!
And good luck for the challenge! 😄

theoriginalbpc profile image
Sarah Dye

Thank you!

abiggz profile image

This is great ! I will be able to learn form you! i eventually want to start a blog or a youtube channel documenting my journey! Looking forward to learning together!

fatiimaezzahra profile image

Hello, I'm Fatima-Ezzahra from Morocco !!

I joined the Code More track because I want to code more on my free time.

You can connect with me on Linkedin and Github.

Happy coding 👩🏻‍💻👩🏻‍💻🌈

gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)


gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

So excited to meet this cohort. Welcome, everyone!


thewebking profile image
Kingsley Odibendi

Hello Gracie, been finding it hard to register for the challenge. Dunno what the issue might be. Thanks

gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Hello! Could you describe the error/message/issue you are encountering?

Thread Thread
thewebking profile image
Kingsley Odibendi

After i click the “Join the start coding” challenge, a blank page pops up and it keeps loading non-stop without showing any other content.

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thewebking profile image
Kingsley Odibendi

Hey Gracie, thank you for your time...i tried it with my laptop and it went through perfectly.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt • Edited

Hi ! I'm Thomas ! 👋🏼
My challenge this year is... coding moooore !
I am ready to code more and more, to motivate myself more 💪🏼

Social networks if you want follow me :

Last year, I started this challenge, this year I will continue to motivate myself on this path. 😄

mannuel profile image
Emmanuel Tanimowo

Awesome, let's do this Thomas 💪

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome folks

yuridevat profile image
𝕁𝕦𝕝𝕚𝕒 👩🏻‍💻

Hello everyone! My name is Julia and this time I will participate in the write more challenge. My last challenge get a job was a great success, so I'm looking forward to another challenge with CodeNewbie 😄.

For all get a job participants, I'd like to share my roadmap website about my own journey with useful resources and tips on how to best prepare for job applications and interviews.
For all the other participants, I am participating in this challenge to also write more about my previous steps on the path to becoming a self-taught developer so that I can add more content in these two sections as well. 😇

Thanks to CodeNewbie for these great challenges that keep us participants motivated and reaching our goals.

See you guys soon, and have fun!

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Good luck with this challenge, Julia!
Hope it will be as fun as the previous challenge!!! 😄

yuridevat profile image
𝕁𝕦𝕝𝕚𝕒 👩🏻‍💻

Thank you Ayu 🙃

dev_tgt profile image
Timothy Taylor

Hi! Tim here.

I signed up for the get a job challenge.

I am career-changing developer looking for that first tech job. I am looking to boost my subpar networking skills and hopefully find some nice folks to connect with!

linked in
personal site / portfolio

Good luck everyone!

hellennamulinda profile image
Hellen Namulinda

Hi 👋🏼, I'm Hellen
I signed up for the Get a Job challenge
I have been into coding for the past one year, I have built a few projects and now I want to polish my portfolio and be able to land a job.

📫 Connect and follow me on the following social networks:

johngidoe profile image
Piotr Grzybowski

Hi my name is Piotr.
I signed up for challenge called "Code More".
I have inner motivation to change my career path. I've done some projects already in the past but still need more practice to change coding into regular job.
If you want to follow me you can do it using those links below.

rbansal42 profile image
Rahul Bansal • Edited

Hi fellow CodeNewbies!

I am Rahul Bansal, and I have signed up for Learn to Code.
My motivation is simple. While I have some basics through my university course, I have not been able to keep myself in the flow necessary to code regularly and practic. I am hoping that with this cohort based program, I would be able to do that.

My Twitter profile is @rbansal42. You'll mostly find me complaining to companies there, but hey, I plan to learn in public and publish more. So maybe, motivate me by following?

Also, here's my Linkedin

That said, looking forward to get involved in this beautiful community and learning!

xav83 profile image
Xavier Jouvenot

Hi everyone ! I'm Xavier 🙂👋🏼

I register with you on the "Learn In Public" Challenge !

Even if I haven't been able to finish the Write More Challenge last year, it has bring me a lot of great knowledge and was a very fun experience ! So I want to do it again with you this year, and this time, complete it 💪

If you want to follow my journey dirung this challenge, or simply connect with me, you can reach me either on, CodeNewbie, Medium, GitHub, Twitter or on my personnal website.

I hope to get to know some of you during this challenge, and that we will all succeed ! ❤️

cleveroscardev profile image
Oscar Ortiz

Hello I'm Oscar !
I signed up for the get a job challenge.
I believe with the skills and knowledge that I have I can bring great value to others around me.
I post most of my blogs on
I'm always open to collaborate on projects so don't be afraid to reach out! @cleveroscardev

tupaschoal profile image
Tulio Leao

Helllo folks, I'm Tulio Leao and I've signed up to the Learn in Public because I finally want to stop delaying and get my hands dirty on Rust, but I almost clicked the Write More.

If you'd like to see more about me:

Let's do it!

aaron profile image
Aaron McCollum

Hey everyone! Excited for 2022 and a year of more growth.

Name: Aaron McCollum
Challenge: Code More
Motivation: I need some accountability and discipline
Social profiles: @aaronmccollum_ on Twitter
Anything else: I'm doing The Odin Project (Ruby track)

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Woohoo!!! Good luck, Aaron! 🎉😄

aaron profile image
Aaron McCollum

Thank you Ayu! Are you doing it too?

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adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

I'm still thinking of doing either learn in public or coding more. Can't decide yet 😁

nysdas profile image
Arunesh Choudhary

Hello Everyone!
Its Arunesh here!
Signed up for: Start Coding!
Motivation: I have four more cohorts to join to get better at code. Let's get going!

Twitter arun3sh, hardly post anything, but Friends ... 🤝?

darylnauman profile image
Daryl Nauman

Hi everyone! I completed a full stack coding bootcamp last year in early August. I continue to learn and I am working on a few group side projects to keep my skills up. That said, I really need to step up my game post holidays when it comes to job searching so I decided to join the Get a Job track.

Looking forward to the journey with everyone! Feel free to connect with me 🙂

DEV Profile LinkedIn Twitter

graficdoctor profile image
Katrien S

Hi, I'm Katrien.
I chose the code more-challenge. I've been learning to code for about a year now, trying to combine learning with a deadline-heavy job. This challenge drops right into a week after I have had some deadlines. Which is cool!

My socials are:

noviicee profile image

Hi. I am Anamika 👋
The challenge that I've signed up for is Code More .
I believe that it's time to move past a beginner coder, so let's see. Hoping for the best 😇
You can also check out my Profile !

mannuel profile image
Emmanuel Tanimowo • Edited

Hello everyone, I'm Emmanuel Tanimowo. I signed up for the code more challenge. I have a couple of interesting side projects which I intend finishing and I know taking on this challenge will help me accomplish that.

I'd love to connect with you all:

ishikajn8126 profile image
Ishika • Edited

Hi! I'm Ishika.
I've signed up for Code More Challenge.
I want to build up consistency in my coding journey and found this challenge at right time!! #CNC2022.

You can find me here:

theague profile image
Kody J Ague

What up!? I'm Kody and I chose the coding more challenge. I've been trying to "learn web development" for years, dabbled a lot, never really made it past foundational knowledge.
I'm not totally sure what I'm getting into ;) but I'm getting into it!!

thewebking profile image
Kingsley Odibendi

Hello everyone, I'm Kingsley and i signed up for the "start to code" challenge..I'll be one month in my coding journey in a couple of days and it's been an amazing and eye opening journey thus far.

I'm looking to major in web development and this challenge would be an amazing opportunity for me to practice. Also looking to meet and learn from upcoming and established gurus..Let's go!

dayryanm profile image
Ryan Day

Cheers y'all 🍻
My name is Ryan and I just signed up for the Start Coding challenge.
I've very new to the world of coding and just recently completed the Responsive Web Design certificate on freeCodeCamp. I'm excited to start meeting people in the community and keep moving forward!
I just recently rejoined Twitter
Or you can find me on YouTube for some "beer running" entertainment 🏃🍻🤙

coder_utkarsh profile image
Utkarsh Maurya

Hey everyone, I am Utkarsh. 👋
I am participating in the Write more challenge.
I have joined this challenge because I want to improve my writing skills. 😊
You can connect with me on

Looking forward to connecting and learning with y'all. 🙌😊

rbansal42 profile image
Rahul Bansal

Hi fellow CodeNewbies!

I am Rahul Bansal, and I have signed up for Learn to Code.
My motivation is simple. While I have some basics through my university course, I have not been able to keep myself in the flow necessary to code regularly and practic. I am hoping that with this cohort based program, I would be able to do that.

My Twitter profile is @rbansal42. You'll mostly find me complaining to companies there, but hey, I plan to learn in public and publish more. So maybe, motivate me by following?

That said, looking forward to get involved in this beautiful community and learning!

mojetioluwa profile image

Hi ! I'm Mojetioluwa ! 👋🏼

My challenge this year is... *coding more *!

I am ready to code more and more, to motivate myself more 💪🏼

Social networks if you want follow me :


sania2046 profile image

Hi everyone,
I'm Sania and I signed up for the "Code more" challenge. I've been dabbling in code but never practiced consistently and didn't get to a level where I can actually build stuff. So this year I want to make coding a habit and build web apps and dashboards with Python (I would also love to learn JavaScript and later C# so I can build games in Unity, but since I tend to get carried away with trying to do too many things at once, I'm forcing myself to just focus on one language at a time!).

On a side note, I work in a fintech startup (in a non-tech role) and am also a career coach. So if you'd like any help with applying for jobs or just have some questions about working in startups, I'd be happy to have a chat!

You can hit me up on Twitter @sakuda2046 or LinkedIn (

Happy coding!

moferg0 profile image
Marshall Ferguson

Hello everyone! I'm Marshall, and I am doing the learning in public challenge. I joined the challenge because I love to learn, and I want to share that learning journey and hopefully help someone else learn something along the way.

Here are some places you can follow me on my learning journey:


Looking forward to meeting others taking part in this challenge!

geraldiner profile image

Hi I'm Geraldine 😊

I signed up for the Get a Job challenge! I've been following #100Devs by Leon Noel on Twitch for the last year or so, and I am still looking for my first developer job. I'm really excited to be part of another great coding community to learn, teach, and inspire one another! #CNC2022

Let's connect!

LinkedIn: in/geraldiner
Twitter: @geraldinedesu
GitHub: @geraldiner

Other Info

I also started writing blog posts on Hashnode for other early career developers/individuals who are primarily self-taught (...and eventually plan on crossposting on I love growing, learning, and building in public, and ultimately want to bring up everyone with me 😤

Looking forward to smashing these challenges with you all!!! 💪🏽😤💪🏽

cledbuxandcodes profile image

Hey everyone!

Cledb here,
I've taken up the Code More challenge.
I know I needed some external accountability to help me reach my goal so here I am.

Still working on my social networking but please feel free to connect with me on:
Twitter or Github

pranavyadav profile image
Pranav Yadav

Hi I'm Pranav ! 👋
My challenge for #CNC2022 is Coding More 😎

Feel free to connect with me:👇

codeebullient profile image

¡Hola! I'm Peace, i signed up for this to enable me to write more. I want to write just about anything that i learn.
I hope to start my blog someday when family will give me a little ease.

Mucho gusto #CNC2022 Family

crumbhustler profile image

Hello everyone, I'm Ty! I've been slowly learning full stack web dev and thought this would be a great opportunity to continue to learn and push myself. I'd like to get a job but not setting a hard deadline for myself, just want to enjoy the ride! Can't wait to see what everyone accomplishes.

bushbass profile image
Alex Nielsen

Hello people. My name is Alex Nielsen and I've signed up for the Get A Job Challenge. I'm a self-taught coder who has been at this for a few years. Homeschooling our kids (since before Covid) and working make it tough to squeeze in time to learn. The truth is I'm pretty sure I've had the skills to get a junior dev job for quite a while but the imposter syndrome I have is deblitating at times. I signed up to hopefully give me a little more direction rather than randomly applying to jobs when I work up enough nerve. I'm in the suburbs of New York City, the last bus stop on the commuter line in a part of New Jersey that is not what you usually see on TV. There are people with chickens on my street and with a 10 minute drive I can see cows. Anyway, I hope this will give me the push I need to get focued and get over my fears and put my skills to work.

All my social contacts and links to my projects are at

cdmims23 profile image
Cori Mims

Hello everyone!

My name is Cori I did CNC2018 code more challenge. I didn’t really get to finish that challenge or get further into coding. As a result I have pretty much lost all the progress I made learning how to code. This year I have plans to get back into it and actually get a job wish me luck! I’m taking the start coding challenge hopefully I can get back on track, I’m always stumped at where to start like testing, DevOps, and other stuff. I hope that everyone meets there coding goals good luck everyone! And happy coding!

kc profile image

Hiya! I'm KC.
I've signed up to the Code More Challenge as I'm trying to be more consistent/focused with my learning, as I find it really difficult to stay motivated by myself.

Hoping to connect with others. You can find me/my stuff here:


adrianskar profile image
Adrian Skar

Hi all! I'm Adrian from Spain and I'm in for the code more challenge. I'll also be joining the #301daysofcode one so, by the end of the year, my main goal is to have learned enough to get a dev. job.
You can find me on twitter, LinkedIn and GitHub. I'll be also putting up my site at Happy coding!

rafajrg21 profile image
Rafael Romero

Hi, I'm Rafa. I signed up for the Code More challenge this year! I am looking to improve my time management skills and hoping to get the motivation to code more outside of my job so I can accomplish all of my tech related goals from previous years on 2022.

You can follow me here on CodeNewbie or on Dev
I'm currently not very active there but that's the next step.

indracurious profile image

Hi, my name is Indrajeet

I am from humanities background but now want to switch carrier into something new and fascinating so here I am in the tech world.

I Learnt some basics as of now of web dev and planning to get a job in tech world soon so here I am with "get the job" challenge.

I am literally enjoying every day learning something new in the tech world. If you want to connect with you you can here



My motivation to code every day is, I like to spread positivity and make something which can make this world a better place.

dulyaaa profile image
Dulya Perera • Edited

Hi everyone 🖐, I'm Dulya. I have signed up for the "Start Coding" challenge because I am new to this community and wanted to start with the very first challenge. My inner motivation is to learn new things😁😉.

Connect and follow me on📫 :

Nice to meet Y'all😊.

Happy Coding 👩‍💻🌈.

coderamrin profile image

Hello! code newbies.
I'm amrin. I just joined CNC2022. it's my first time here.
I signed up for the Write More challenge. Cause I trying to get into technical writing. and sharing my thougts with writing. I tought it is the perfect challenge for me.

If you want check out my blog and twitter.

That's it.
Have a great day.

chibufirst profile image
Godfirst Onuoha

Hi everyone! 👋

My name is Godfirst Onuoha from Nigeria. I signed up for Code More challenge.

My motivation for signing up for #CNC2022 is actually to code more and improve in my Time Management Skills. Thanks for the opportunity.

You can join me on LinkedIn and GitHub.

Happy Coding! 🚀

ecureuill profile image
Camilla Silva

Hi, guys! My name is Camilla and signed up for Code More challenge. I tried it last year, but due to anxiety issues, I couldn't finis...start it. I'm feeling much better now and I hope this time I will finish the challenge and populate my abandoned github

ameyer23 profile image
Andrea M.

Hello, I’m Andrea! I signed up for the Start Coding challenge. My motivation is def to get the ball rolling on my coding journey. I think I’ve learned a lot but I’m definitely missing a few things I feel this challenge will help me with (i need structure 😭😭). Ultimately, my goal is to become proficient enough in Python to make a career switch.

annetawamono profile image
Anneta Wamono

Hi everyone 👋, my name is Anneta. I signed up for the writing challenge and I'm so excited to start. It's been a goal of mine since last year to start writing and this challenge is the motivation I needed to start.

raniayousfi profile image
RaniaYousfi • Edited

Hello everyone! My name is Rania. I signed up for the start coding challenge. I've wanted to start coding since a couple of years now but I never committed to it. I signed up for this challenge so I can stay motivated and be part of a community with same goals as me.
Happy coding :)

Linked in

highcenburg profile image
Vicente Antonio G. Reyes
  • Your name: Vicente
  • The challenge you signed up for: If my memory serves me right, I signed up for the Start coding challenge 😄
  • Your motivation for signing up for #CNC2022: Main motivation is my whole network got compromised and I couldn't defend myself because I don't know what to do lol
  • Any social media profiles you'd like to share: My only social media profile right now is on instagram @icenreyes.tunay
  • Anything else we should know: I'm batman
abiggz profile image
Abhay • Edited

Hi Everyone! I'm Abhay👋🏽
I signed up for the Learning in Public track, I have attempted to do it on my own but get side tracked so I decided that I need this challenge and to grow and network as well one day I would like to be a mentor or help someone like me who is starting on the self taught journey with what I learn. That is my motivation for signing up for #CNC2022

My Twitter:
My DEV profile is brand new and I hope to start becoming active on there:

I am also currently in university and will be completing my degree in 10 months time. I am transitioning from law enforcement and private security into tech.

Excited to be learning in public!

crislanarafael profile image
Crislana Rafael

Really excited to kick off the new year doing this year's CodeNewbie Challenge. Quick question, I'm curious about the difference between Write More and Learn in Public (and having trouble deciding which to pick). I feel like there's a bit of overlap seeing as what you write could be considering sharing that knowledge which somewhat sounds like learning in public to me. Any thoughts?

agelviscarlos profile image
Carlos-Rainbow coding 👨‍💻 🌈

Hi dear everyone!

My name is Carlos, I live in Lisbon but I'm from the Caribbean, and I'm excited to be here!
Last year I decided to learn how to code to change my life and its been an incredible journey, in which I'm looking forward to meet new people. This #CNC2022 seems like the perfect spot for meeting alike minds and keep growing.

You can follow me in:


Looking forward to connect with you all! :)

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Hi everyone!
I'm Ayu and I'm based in The Netherlands.

I'm sigining up for Learn in Public challenge!
Super excited!!! 🤩

You can find me here at CodeNewbie, DEV, or Twitter.
Let's connect! 😄

iyudhi profile image

Hi everyone. I work in tech as pre-sales, so I don't really code. I dabbled in the past, but always got stuck and give up. It's something that I'm trying to change. To be honest, I'm still not sure what I'm getting by signing up for this challenge, but I'm definitely eager to give it a shot.

Your name - Ivan

The challenge you signed up for - Start Coding

Your motivation for signing up for #CNC2022 - Always want to learn how to code, but always got stuck and got nowhere

Any social media profiles you'd like to share - Not a big social media person, but I do have twitter - IvanYudhi

Anything else we should know - Not... really?

khloeabrown profile image
Khloe Brown

Hello, Hello 👋 I'm Khloe!

I signed for the learn in public challenge (I want to do write more too at the later date).

I wanted to take on the #CNC2022 challenge to have public accountability for engaging more with my online presence well as meeting cool new friends in the community.

I'm on Twitter and Instagram if you want to follow and connect! I'll be posting much more thanks to this new challenge.

Here's to this year's challenges! 🍻

nik07milan profile image

Hi! Im Nikolaj
I joined the Code More challenge!

You can find me:


technomom profile image
Cyn Newman

Hi there! I'm Cyn from Atlanta. I joined the Start Coding challenge because I want to develop a more organized approach to learning to code.

You can find me at:

technomom profile image
Cyn Newman • Edited

Hi there! I'm Cyn from Atlanta. I joined the Start Coding challenge because I want to have a more organized approach to learning to code.

You can find me at:

tekgadgt profile image
Ryan McGovern • Edited

Howdy, My names Ryan!
I have signed up for the Code More track. I see a lot of that below, and for real, it's hard to make time. My motivation for signing up is actually in the name. At my current job, I don't do much in the way of coding, and I really want to get back to that.
Um, I think, while it's super simple, one of my favorite things I put together was

fizzboop profile image
Byonca H.

Name: Byonca
Challenge: Learn In Public
Topic: Web Accessibility
Social Networks: Twitter

Thank you for hosting this space for everyone, CodeNewbie.

natdavison profile image
Natalie Davison

Hi everyone, I'm Natalie :-)

I've signed up for the Start Coding challenge. I've started a few courses in the past but always end up fizzling out, but I'm determined to get stuck in and stop messing around.

Connect with me on Twitter & GitHub 😄

Happy Coding! 🌈

larizzatg profile image
Larizza Tueros

Hello 👋🏻, I'm Larizza.

I signed up for the learn in public challenge. I've been in lurking the "in public" concept (learn in public, build in public, digital gardens), now I want to ride the wave and not stay in the side.

I love learning and one of my core principles is to share my knowledge with others. I want to use this cohort to remove the preconceptions that I need to be an expert to share my experiences.

You can follow me on or my twitter

develop_daley profile image

Hello. My name is Serena. I signed up for the Code More challenge because I need to code more and would like to find a way to make it fun. I think it can be fun, it's just not fun for me yet. If anybody knows how to make coding fun, I am open to suggestions. I recently coded a memory game and I enjoyed it a lot but that was a tutorial. I want to be able to code a fun game without using a tutorial. If anybody wants to chat I am available on Twitter @develop_daley.

funmitoblessed profile image
Olúwafúnmitọ́ Blessed • Edited

Hi CodeNewbie Community, my name is Funmito and I'm a tech enthusiast and advocate based in Nigeria.

I'm currently signed up for the #LearnInPublic challenge. For a long time, I've wanted to write regularly about my growth and development journey in the tech space and I feel this is a great opportunity to get started.

You can follow me on LinkedIn, Twitter, Dev, Codenewbie and any other popular social media @funmitoblessed

carper79 profile image

Hi everyone. I'm Carrie!
My challenge is start coding. I am hoping this will help keep me motivated and learning to code.
Happy Coding :)

sangyk profile image
Sangy K

I am Sangy and I have signed up for learn in public.
I want to revisit my ReactJS learning.
My Profile,

egjallow profile image

Hallo, Am Ebrima
I signup for coding more. Am ready to push myself to growth.
My twitter is @ejallow12

rightofzero profile image

Hello, I am Mark. I signed up for 'Code More' challenge because I need to be more consistent in coding to grow my skills. You can connect with me on Twitter.

aaheli_s profile image
Aaheli Sadhukhan

Hello everyone, I am Aaheli. I signed up for the #CNC2022 Code More Challenge.
My motivation for signing up for #CNC2022 because I want to learn new stuffs and be more confident in coding.

ukaoha profile image
Ukaoha Chizoba

Hi I'm Chizoba , I just signed up for the coding more challenging ,cheers to building more 💥💥

My social
Twitter @chixobam

dastiles profile image
charles madhuku

Hie everyone i am Charles


jlem profile image
Jared Lemler

Hello everyone!
Im Jared, I will be doing the start coding challenge!
Im currently an electrician but have always been interested in coding and I'm super excited to start this journey!

raedyping profile image
Raedy Ping

Hiya, my name is Raedy (pronounced like radio without the o) and I am she/her and signed up for Get a Job because i need to, well, .... get a job. I am learning data science.