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Cover image for CodeLand 2021 Hallway β€” Day One

CodeLand 2021 Hallway β€” Day One

CodeNewbie Staff on September 23, 2021

Note: Find the Day Two CodeLand 2021 Hallway here Welcome to the CodeLand 2021 Hallway for day one! Your place to meet other...
ecureuill profile image
Camilla Silva

Hello all! I'm from Brazil and this is my first time in CodeLand event. I'll be attending along with my super newbie companion.

Photo of mother and her  3 years old daughter

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Newbies come in every age :)

ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

Hey @ecureuill Welcome! We're so glad to have you both here. We hope you have a blast and learn a ton!

gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Welcome to CodeLand! 🌈

quitepeculiar profile image
Doreen Joy Barber (she/her)

Hey, folks! Tuning in from BST (which doesn't seem to be an option, actually--but we're still in "Summer Time" here in the UK!) so will be nipping in and out in between fixing dinner and watching the Nintendo Direct later!

I'm a proper CodeNewbie who is starting on the Nanodegree programme with Code First Girls in hopes I'll be a newly-minted software developer in about 16 weeks!

andrewprohde profile image
Andy Rohde (he/him)

That's awesome! Good luck on the Nanodegree! What started your interest in programming?

quitepeculiar profile image
Doreen Joy Barber (she/her)

Aside from wanting to change careers? XD

I grew up with computers--I used to play Q-bert on a Commodore 64! Although I never really viewed myself as someone who would be in programming, I've always had an interest in building websites and making things work, having made websites and blogs with Wordpress back in the '00s and early '10s.

I took an Intro to Python course with Code First Girls over the summer and really enjoyed it, so I'm pursuing that further with the Nanodegree, with some SuperHi courses I bought last year still chillin' in the background. :)

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andrewprohde profile image
Andy Rohde (he/him)

Having guided courses definitely helps. I have a huge backlog of courses on Udemy that I keep meaning to get to. I keep meaning to make time for them, but I never do.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Woot! Awesome to hear you're working toward that Nanodegree. πŸ™Œ

Also, fun to flick back and forth between CodeLand and Nintendo Direct! πŸ˜€

stephback profile image
Stephanie Back

Congrats on the Nanodegree programme! πŸŽ‰
I'm also keeping an eye on the Nintendo Direct. The final Smash Bros. challenger reveal is finally here! Woot woot!

zeeskylaw profile image
Zainab Lawal(5/100🐍)

Hi everyone, I'm Zainab and I'll be tuning in from Turkey. I've been learning Python for backend web development for a year but I'm currently doing the 100 Days of Code challenge. Also, I'm excited because this will be my first CodeLand event.
Here's a picture of my cat. She's really excited too.
my cat

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

What a beautiful kitten πŸ₯°

ubaidp1049 profile image
Comment marked as low quality/non-constructive by the community. View Code of Conduct
Ubaid Ahmad

Best of Luck.. If you need any assistance. I am willing to help. +923133401049 whatsapp. Thanks

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

Hey everybody!

I'm Tyler - a Frontend Vueveloper (primarily) and in my spare time a blogger here and on DEV!

When I'm not working, I like to play games (video & board games - currently working on my chess game) and take pictures of dogs πŸ’•

Looking forward to meeting everyone!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Well, pictures of dogs definitely caught my eye, haha! πŸ˜† But seriously, these dog pics are really quite awesome.

Great to see ya here, Tyler!

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

Thanks! I really need to get around to adding more πŸ˜…

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Hey Tyler!
I love gaming too! But I only do gaming on my phone. I love Soda Crush Saga! 😁

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

Mobile gaming is still gaming! πŸ₯³

(and I played my fair share of Candy Crush when it came out 😜)

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adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

I played that too before they launched Soda Crush 😜

gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

I was hoping we'd see you here, Tyler!!! Welcome, welcome.

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

Can't miss Codeland! It's one of my favorite times of the year! πŸ₯³

fizzybuzzybeezy profile image

Love the korgi pics!

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

Thanks! Luna is the newest addition to our family and she's great! :D

deweyhammers profile image
Richard Dewey Hammers • Edited

Hey all! tuning in from Cali and this is my first conference! I'm just finishing up my bootcamp with Flatiron school learning Software Engineering in JavaScript and Ruby. I have made some projects in Rails and React. I'm now getting readying for the Job Hunt!

jrrohrer profile image
Jessie Rohrer

Hey fellow bootcamper :) I'm also finishing up the Flatiron bootcamp! I'm in self-paced SE.

aaron profile image
Aaron McCollum

Wassup Jessie! Great to e-meet you. I told this to Richard above but I'm checking out the Flatiron school as a bootcamp next year in DC.

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jrrohrer profile image
Jessie Rohrer

Awesome! I signed up last August for the self-paced version of the software engineering course. It's all online, and I definitely have learned a lot! I'm finishing up the last section now, then I'll be on to my final project!

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aaron profile image
Aaron McCollum

That's awesome! I'd love to see it once you're finished. When you signed up for the self-paced, what was that like? Did you do this full-time at home?

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jrrohrer profile image
Jessie Rohrer

So I obviously signed up last summer, before I knew if schools would be open (I have 2 young kids), and before there were vaccines and everything where I live had juuuust opened back up. So I chose the self-paced over the part time program, because it's the most flexible option. I did all of the coursework online (for several months, at the dining room table alongside my 2 kids). I was able to attend zoom sessions with instructors to get answers to questions and advice on projects, and there are opportunities for social interactions as well. There is a slack workspace, and lots of workshops, talks, and social zooms.

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aaron profile image
Aaron McCollum

Nice! Best of luck in the next stage and on your final project :)

deweyhammers profile image
Richard Dewey Hammers • Edited

I went with the Part Time and where on our Final Project! I'm making a budgeting app and so far its been the biggest project I have made so far.

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jrrohrer profile image
Jessie Rohrer

Nice! I am finishing up with React/Redux. Hoping to start the final project next week :) Good luck with yours!

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deweyhammers profile image
Richard Dewey Hammers I have my demo up now if you wanny check it out

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jrrohrer profile image
Jessie Rohrer

It looks really nice!

andrewprohde profile image
Andy Rohde (he/him)

How are you liking FlatIron? I've looked into it, but never signed up

deweyhammers profile image
Richard Dewey Hammers

I really enjoyed it. With part time we have live classes two times each week and a very helpful support group. There is 5 mods with the Software Engineering with each mod taking 2 months for PT and 1 month for FT. There is a final Project and the end of each Mod where you have to pass a live code review. At the end you will be paired with a career coach to get you ready for the job search

aaron profile image
Aaron McCollum

Hey Richard! I'm looking at Flatiron School as a potential bootcamp. Welcome to Codeland! Hope you are enjoying a fun time.

varghesejose2020 profile image
Varghese Jose

Hi,I am Varghese from India, I am a Open Source Contributor|Full Stack Developer|FOSS Enthusiast

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington • Edited

Heyo! Welcome to CodeLand. πŸ™Œ

I'm Michael and I'm a Senior Community Manager at Forem – the platform behind and CodeNewbie.

Really hope you dig the conference! πŸ™‚

varghesejose2020 profile image
Varghese Jose

Thank You Michael

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great to have you!

varghesejose2020 profile image
Varghese Jose

Hi Ben

theoriginalbpc profile image
Sarah Dye • Edited

Hi everyone! I'm Sarah and I'm a fullstack web developer from Canton, Ohio. Besides coding websites, I write posts on The Practical Dev and Code Newbie, moderate the Elphas Can Code community, and am currently working on my own YouTube channel. This is my second time attending Codeland and this year I'm joined by my dog. I'm looking forward to Anna Lytical's talk later today.

Elsie the German Shepherd

gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Aw what a good pup!

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Great to see you, Sarah πŸ˜€

theoriginalbpc profile image
Sarah Dye

Hey Ayu! It is great to see you too. I saw you Twitter you got accepted to The Collab Lab. Congratulations!

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adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Thank you, Sarah! πŸ˜„

jrrohrer profile image
Jessie Rohrer • Edited

I'm tuning in from Pennsylvania! Excited to participate in my first ever conference:)

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

PA squad! πŸŽ‰

jrrohrer profile image
Jessie Rohrer

Where are you in PA? I'm near Lancaster.

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terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

I'm in the middle of nowhere, but about an hour or so from Lancaster :)

itsasine profile image

Woo, PA represent! πŸŽ‰ (though I'm on the west side)

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jrrohrer profile image
Jessie Rohrer

😎 Awesome!

ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

Hey @jrrohrer and Scout! Welcome to CodeLand, we're so happy you're here.

We definitely hope you learn all the things! Is there anything you're especially excited about?

jrrohrer profile image
Jessie Rohrer

Looking forward to participating in the accessibility workshop tomorrow :)

varghesejose2020 profile image
Varghese Jose


andrewprohde profile image
Andy Rohde (he/him)

I'm going to be attending from my home office while working on a backend project for my company

ujjwaltwitx profile image
Ujjwal Pratap Singh

The excitement is at next level.

varghesejose2020 profile image
Varghese Jose


gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Love it!

stephback profile image
Stephanie Back • Edited

Hello everyone!
I am tuning in from Montana! I am excited to experience CodeLand as my first developer conference! I began learning Java in June of 2021 and I am currently learning Web API design using Spring Boot. I enjoy baking desserts(pies πŸ₯§ are my favorite), adventuring with friends through D&D(πŸ‰πŸ§™shout out to all the clerics & paladins), and spending time with my dog (Roo πŸ•). I can't wait to meet other codenewbies! 😁
Happy CodeLand 2021! 🌈
P.S. Here's a picture of my dog!

rosewms profile image
Rose Williams

Yaaaaay, DnD. I've been trying to organize a campaign and keep running into ever cursed scheduling issues.

stephback profile image
Stephanie Back • Edited

Rose, it really is a curse of D&D. Haha My campaign usually meets Sundays for 3 - 5 hours but we still manage to break the schedule. (facepalm) One day, the schedule will align and it will be amazing! :D

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Cursed scheduling issues is what separates my adulthood from my childhood. I haven't played a satisfactory D&D campaign since college. (I might have to have kids so I can play with them πŸ˜…)

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andrewprohde profile image
Andy Rohde (he/him)

I suppose I'm lucky that my group can set aside Saturday afternoons to play. We typically meet at noon and play until 6. It helps that we all have normal 9-5 jobs, no kids, and enough free time.

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern

As a startup founder it's not like my hours vary so far from 9-5 on average, but there are just too many inconsistencies pop up for me, and it's basically been what I've been doing since college.

I'm 33 now, and I'm aiming to achieve a more normal schedule by 35. Whether I can partake in a regular D&D campaign is a good litmus test.

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stephback profile image
Stephanie Back

Ben, you should check out The Adventure Zone podcast. It's a campaign consisting of 3 brothers and their dad. It is a great campaign and their dynamic is fantastic! it's not technically partaking in a campaign directly but it helps fill the D&D void in the meantime.
Also, if you are into a horror-based D&D campaign, Dark Dice is specifically made as a podcast campaign and it's amazing. Their current campaign has Jeff Goldblum playing too. :)

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fizzybuzzybeezy profile image

I second The Adventure Zone! I just started listening to it myself, Stephanie! Also, thanks for note about Dark Dice. Just saw Jeff Goldblum in the third Thor movie. I totally forgot he's in there. He's such a treasure!

andrewprohde profile image
Andy Rohde (he/him)

I got hooked on D&D not long before the pandemic. It's been nice to have my party members all vaccinated so we feel comfortable playing in person again. Unfortunately the campaign died with the 18 month hiatus. In our new campaign I'm the party's tank of a paladin

trillionwon profile image

I’m preferential to Pathfinder, but would be happy to join a #CodeNewbies D&D game if people are interested

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andrewprohde profile image
Andy Rohde (he/him)

If we could manage to put something together, I would definitely make time for it. Finding someone to DM might be the hardest part of it

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stephback profile image
Stephanie Back

@tri11ionwon mad props for being a Pathfinder player! πŸ™Œ To be honest, Pathfinder intimidates me as a newer D&D player(I started with 5e). However, it would be awesome to try it out. 😊 Also I love the idea of a #CodeNewbies D&D campaign! It could be a one-off, on-going, etc. session.
I recently started building a simple dungeon crawler "Choose Your Own Adventure" game in Java to fill my D&D void. I need to push it to GitHub but want to polish a bit more first.

stephback profile image
Stephanie Back • Edited

Andy, that is awesome! high five from one paladin to the next
My current campaign is also on a hiatus due to the pandemic. However, I am excited to pick it up again soon. 😁

matt_eves_ profile image
Matt Eves

Evenin' (?Mornin') all! Joining from the UK today - this will be my second Code Land, though I'd still very much class myself as a newbie :) chipping away at learning python via online tools/resources/networks. Came back for more this year as the experience last year was so positive - it blew my mind (in a good way) and really motivated me to keep goingπŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ’»πŸ˜³πŸ€―πŸ€ͺπŸ€©πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸ».. t-minus 25 minutes 😱πŸ”₯πŸš€

andrewprohde profile image
Andy Rohde (he/him)

While learning Python are you building your own projects? I knw that worked best for me. I had a bunch of false starts with courses but now I'm rewriting the backend of my company's customer portal and I'm learning more than I ever had.

matt_eves_ profile image
Matt Eves

Hi Andy - I'm really glad you said that about the false starts, as I have had a fair number of those myself. Took me a while to realise that
1) I don't need to remember everything, just enough to formulate a good google search, and
2) I needed to step outside the "comfort" of the web based tutorials.
I've only just completed a stand alone project, and drew on people in the industry to help get me unstuck a few times where I couldn't see the wood for the trees. Definitely learnt a lot more doing that though than only plugging through the tutorials. Need a new project now, but might try to run the two approaches (project and tutorials) in parallel (?)

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andrewprohde profile image
Andy Rohde (he/him)

That's a good method to get things to stick. I'm kind of doing the same thing. I'm working on solidifying front-end skills by building a website/blog in my free time. I'm planning on building an api that will return my resume so I can send that to recruiters too.

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matt_eves_ profile image
Matt Eves

I'd like to learn front end too, I started with html / CSS but really wanted to learn data science skills so parked it and switched to python which I've stuck with since. I've been thinking more recently though it might be useful at some point to have a site as a means to collate/promote (wouldn't go so far as to say "showcase" πŸ˜… ) "stuff" I've learnt/made/coded etc.

ubaidp1049 profile image
Comment marked as low quality/non-constructive by the community. View Code of Conduct
Ubaid Ahmad

Best of Luck.. If you need any assistance. I am willing to help. +923133401049 whatsapp. Thanks

renkylo profile image
Rishi Mandal • Edited

Due to the IST timeline I will be attending the whole night and I am pumped.

gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)


rnandon profile image
Ryan Nance-Donaldson

Hi all! I'm pretty pumped for this event- this will be my first conference post-bootcamp! I'm hoping to find some neat things to study and continue to grow while looking for work.

deweyhammers profile image
Richard Dewey Hammers

Which bootcamp did you go to?

rnandon profile image
Ryan Nance-Donaldson

I went to devCodeCamp out of Wisconsin. I'm in the upper midwest, so their connections to businesses in my area made a lot of sense. I loved the course as well, it was thorough and heavily project based!

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deweyhammers profile image
Richard Dewey Hammers

Awesome! I'm about to finish my course with Flatiron

austinxduong profile image
austinxduong • Edited

Hey party people! Im joining virtually from Portland, OR. This is my very first CodeLand experience. Super fun so far! coding&tea

gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Hey there! I'm in Portland, too (in the St. Johns area). Happy to have you here!

noviicee profile image

Hello everyone!! About 1 hour 15 minutes to go!! Excitement level >>>
πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯

andrewprohde profile image
Andy Rohde (he/him)

The hype is real!

noviicee profile image

It indeed is!! πŸ”₯

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great to see folks!

rosewms profile image
Rose Williams

hey folks, I'm Rose W. I'm an information engineer (fancy way of saying technical writer). I'm a former Bostonian whose currently working remotely out of Jacksonville, FL (partner is in the navy). I'm an open source documentation enthusiast and excited to be here.

ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

Hello @rosewms and welcome! We're excited to have you here and hope you enjoy the program!

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Hi @rosewms ,
This is the first time I heard the term information engineer! Cool πŸ˜„
I'm still learning to write more technical writing πŸ˜ƒ

Nice to meet you 😊

lukasmonico profile image
Lukas Monico

Hi everyone I'm joining from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. This is my first CodeLand, and I'm excited to be here!

ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

Welcome to your first CodeLand, @lukasmonico ! Do you have a session you're most looking forward to? We are glad you could join us and hope you get a lot out of the experience.

PS - it's my first CodeLand, too πŸ™Œ

lukasmonico profile image
Lukas Monico

Hi Ella! I'm looking forward to the You're Not an Imposter, You're a Life-Long Learner presentation later today :)

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ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

Hope you enjoyed it, Lukas! Remember to drop any questions that you may like Pj to answer in his Speaker Discussion in the On Demand post discussion!

palisar profile image
Paul Keating (he/him)

Hey Everyone! I'm joining you from Ireland! I captain a fishing vessel and have decided to hang up my hat to become a software Developer! I'm happy to be here and excited for the event and the opportunity to make new connections!

andrewprohde profile image
Andy Rohde (he/him)

Hey Paul!
What made you decide to pursue a new career?

palisar profile image
Paul Keating (he/him)

Software Development is something I always wanted to do. After working as a fisherman for the last 12 years and after there year that was 2020, I realized that fishing really isn't something I want to do for the rest of my life, so i picked up a learning book and got in touch with some friends and family in the industry and dove in!

aaron profile image
Aaron McCollum

Hey Paul, great to e-meet you! I'm Aaron - tuning in from Japan. I'd hope to visit Ireland someday!

whatnotery profile image
Jos O'shea (they/them)

Hey y'all, I'm a aspiring web dev in Kentucky. Hoping to transition away from nearly a decade in IT Support to start building cool stuff, be it professionally or through open source projects! Looking forward to my first Tech Conference and especially one as community minded as this one!

raybb profile image
Raymond Berger

If you're looking for a cool open source project to contribute to I recommend checking out Open Library They have a very friendly community and relatively accessible code base. It also has such a wonderful mission of making books available to the world :)

whatnotery profile image
Jos O'shea (they/them)

Thanks for the recommendation. I love the Internet Archive's work generally but wasn't familiar with this project. I starred the repo and I'll take a look at the onboarding docs when I get a chance!

whatnotery profile image
Jos O'shea (they/them)

particularly looking forward to Nočnica Fee's talk about the same career transition I'm hoping to make!

emilybrooks profile image
Emily Brooks (She/Her)

Hi there! Im new to Coding (transitioning from Chef/Recipe Developer). Excited to meet people and join the community! (Grizzly is excited too!)

richsweeney2381 profile image
Rich Sweeney

Hey Emily - same here! Currently working as an Exec. Chef and teaching myself to code

emilybrooks profile image
Emily Brooks (She/Her)

Cool!!! Good luck!!

eeyore_8 profile image
Estelle Orr

I'm thinking about making the change too! I work in Pharma currently Nice to meet you Do you know what are of coding you wanna pursue?

emilybrooks profile image
Emily Brooks (She/Her)

Hi Estelle, I am working toward front end development. Ive been enrolled with skillcrush since 2020, but its taking me awhile bc I still work full time. Im hoping to be resume-ready by January!!! Nice to meet u too!

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eeyore_8 profile image
Estelle Orr

How do you like skillcrush? I'm checking it out as well as treehouse and a couple others

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emilybrooks profile image
Emily Brooks (She/Her)

Its been great. I found it very affordable, first of all. Secondly, their real people mentors are so readily available, either by email or slack, so it is really nice to be able to ask questions and get timely answers. I need that help a lot! And their curriculum is not boring at all, they make it fun and enjoyable. So I highly recommend it. I have also done supplement courses on Udemy, which I think has been good to diversify how I learn. Hearing from different voices. I hope thats helpful!!!

nickstello profile image
nickolas-s • Edited

Hi there! Nick here from Toronto, Canada. I've stated learning how to code about 2 yeas ago. Currently trying to change careers from accounting to web development. I'm super exited for this. This is my first conference ever :)

darylnauman profile image
Daryl Nauman

Hi Nick, Fellow Canadian here! I'm just west of Toronto and also into web development for a career change. Enjoy the journey.

carlomtzmartin profile image

Hi guys, greetings from Chicago. This is my first CodeLand event. 😎

sayasyedakmal profile image
Syed Akmal

Hi, Akmal here. Joining from Malaysia. My time will be 12AM when the event start! I just started to learn web development and this is my first developer conference. Super excited!

fizzybuzzybeezy profile image
fizzybuzzybeezy • Edited

Thank you for being here with us Akmal. I've had a 4 am conference workshop before, but not a 12 am! Glad you're here with all of us!

ckn00b profile image
Christian New

Hello everyone! I'm super excited for Codeland 2021. Last year's talk with @joshpuetz helped me get a much higher salary than I anticipated and there were many other fun and informative speakers. I'm looking forward to seeing new and familiar faces!

ujjwaltwitx profile image
Ujjwal Pratap Singh

It is going to be an all nighter for me because of the IST time but the joy of learning and meeting new peoples is way more than worrying about my sleep as this is going to be my first online event I have ever attended.

luiscastillokc profile image
Luis Castillo

Hello Everyone, I'm Luis a Newbie Software Developer from New York , I'm currently working on my last Project for my Bootcamp Flatiron School. This Conference is my first one. I'm really enjoying the experience and willing to attend to more in the future. Attending to the Conference is helping me to see how others newbie dev made it through to Tech.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great to have you Luis. Since you're in somewhat of a hub I'm curious if you expect to find your first job located in NYC or if that doesn't matter so much given how things have changed in Covid. Just curious if your instructors have chatted about that at all.

luiscastillokc profile image
Luis Castillo

Hi Ben,

I wish I can find my first job in NYC because family but I'm really open. My instructor haven't talk to me yet about it. Thank You for see my post.

ahmedebid profile image
Ahmed Ebid

Hi everyone πŸ‘‹, I’m Ahmed from Egypt.

I’m originally a civil engineer and I spent my entire career in academia. Recently, I decided to leave academia and make a career change and I’m currently learning Android development using Kotlin. I'm very excited to join CodeLand 2021 today 🀩.

kenjiro310 profile image
John Rucker

Hello my name is John Rucker and i have been in IT on the support side for about 18yrs ....from Help Desk to Network Support i am jumping into Software Development and Cloud tech. Nice to be here and hope to make some friends along the way.

remcoboerma profile image
Remco Boerma

Hi all, tuning in from the Netherlands here. This is my first codeland event; looking forward to get to know the format and how folks teach each other.
I've been coding since '88 and working with python since '01 which automagically classifies me as an eternal-noob. Having supported quite a few folks already i am always eager for more and better ways to collaborate and collaboratively explore programming. Thanks for organizing and/or participating!

stevenyholm profile image
Steve Nyholm

Hi all! I am a fullstack software developer from Davis, California, specializing in C#, SQL Server, and business analysis. I took a break from working for pay to be a stay-at-home dad and raise two amazing girls. During this time, I did a lot of volunteering with their schools and also found time to work on hobby projects using Silverlight, Objective-C, Meteor.js, and Python/Django. Now it’s time for me to jump back into my career, so I’m focused on learning modern technologies and building up my portfolio. Happy coding everyone. Here’s a picture of the newest members of our family, our guinea pigs: Fifi, Pika and Mini.
our three guinea pigs

margo_hdb profile image
Margo McCabe

Hello from Denver, Colorado! We πŸ’œ Codeland.

Happy Dog

gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

OMG πŸ₯Ί ❀️

fizzybuzzybeezy profile image

Hello Margo!

What a cute and happy puppers!

gadodds profile image

Hello everyone! My name is Gladys and I am attending from the SF Bay Area. This is also my first time attending Codeland. It's great reading all the intros from all wonderful people from all over the world. I'm changing careers so I am particularly interested in those stories, challenges and advice.

andrewprohde profile image
Andy Rohde (he/him)

The old man woke up!
Me with my dog

fizzybuzzybeezy profile image

Hello Andy! Thanks for the photo with you're precious dogo! Lots of belly rubs to him.

eeyore_8 profile image
Estelle Orr

Hello all! This is my first CodeLand event. I'm a possible career jumper and I really wanna learn new things, meet ppl and get a little (or a lot) of info

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I'm a possible career jumper

Does that mean you're dipping your toes into development but haven't made the plunge yet?

eeyore_8 profile image
Estelle Orr

Correct!! I have taken a few individual classes and know I like it and know what direction I might like to go but I still haven't jumped in

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Well good luck! I encourage you to hang around here in this community and soak up information even if there's plenty you don't understand. It helps to immerse one's self as they learn.

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eeyore_8 profile image
Estelle Orr

my biggest question right now is where to learn backend stuff Most classes I've seen focus on HTML CSS Java/Javascript I found that I like python PHP SQL/NoSQL/Mongo things along those lines and most places don't have that in their focus

Thread Thread
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I think if you are drawn to the backend you absolutely should try and find ways to learn that technology.

Honestly SQL/NoSQL/Mongo is probably more than you even need to know early on as well. I have a pretty solid career and never really "learned" any of those in any deep wayΒ β€” especially Mongo.

It certainly doesn't hurt, but don't think you need to learn everything. If you learn Python + a web framework you'll kind of figure out what you need to learn from there as you go.

Thread Thread
eeyore_8 profile image
Estelle Orr

Thank you!

raybb profile image
Raymond Berger

Heyo! I'm phoning in from NY. I'm currently a software engineer at NYT. Joining the conference because I enjoy supporting new devs and am always looking for new opportunities.

I spend some free time contributing to (a free library for anyone in the world) and have great time doing that. If anyone is looking to get into open source check it out and join the weekly community call :)

dangeranger profile image
Joshua Burke

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all enjoy the conference. I've been programming for several years and now teach others and lead a small team of other instructors. If you want to learn more about web development with React or just talk about what it's like within the industry, feel free to send me a message.

Remember that feeling overwhelmed is normal, and nobody understands everything. Becoming comfortable with reaching out about your questions will give you super powers.

joks84 profile image

Hi Joshua, thanks for giving us the opportunity to reach out to you! Really appreciate it.

bkgunderson profile image
Brian Gunderson

Hello from St. Louis, Missouri, USA! I'm tuning into CodeLand for the first time this year. I'm looking forward to learning new ways of looking at the developer journey & how to connect on open source projects.

raybb profile image
Raymond Berger

Hey hey welcome!

One of my favorite open source projects is Open Library ( If you're looking to get involved in open source web dev I'd highly recommend it. They also have a weekly community call anyone is able to join and get some help :)

andrewprohde profile image
Andy Rohde (he/him)

@raybb Thanks for recommending this project! Like a lot of people here, I've been looking for an open source project to contribute to. I'm definitely going to check it out!

bkgunderson profile image
Brian Gunderson

That's awesome. Thank you. Glad to be here

trillionwon profile image

Hello fellow CodeNewbies, I’m a first time CodeLand attendee. I’m excited and a little nervous. I’m currently located in Baltimore MD. Im interested in furthering my interest skills in Computer Vision, Image Processing, Data Science and Machine Learning.

PS. My Macbook is currently with Apple Support Repair, so i’m using my iPad, I hope that won’t interfere with how much I can participate in the conference.

itsasine profile image

Hey πŸ‘‹
I'm a QA Engineer joining from my city apartment. If the cat ever sits still I'll try to get a picture of him on my desk being pretty, but you can find him as my profile picture :)

andrewprohde profile image
Andy Rohde (he/him)

Definitely try to get a pic! I would do the same for my grumpy old dog, but he's currently buried under a blanket on my office couch

itsasine profile image

Yeah, the cats have mixed feelings right now of wanting to be on my desk, but not wanting to be near the open window with a lot of wind and dark clouds threatening to rain. So they ran off somewhere haha

tristanntn profile image

So, having spent a decent amount of time as a Firefighter Paramedic in my previous career, I learned that I may have been a true superhero with super powers without ever wearing a cape. It's been very difficult to find these superpowers in My Self-Taught Web Developer Journey.

I am currently deep diving in JavaScript after learning HTML5 and CSS quite thoroughly. I need to start applying for jobs so that I can make my career switch. What's the best way to find the confidence in "Just applying"... (I've heard in some cases, taking the "jump" really kickstarts learning and really marks the start of your career)???

Codeland2021 has been awesome so far and I can't wait for the remainder of the event tomorrow.

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Hi everyone,
I'm Ayu and I'm joining CodeLand from The Netherlands! πŸ˜„
Anyone in The Netherlands?

Coming late to the party. But better late then never, right? 😁
I'm a self-taught frontend developer & technical blogger.
Great to be here!

a woman waving hand

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great to see a familiar CodeNewbie face

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Hey Ben! πŸ˜€

eaminicoding profile image
Elias Amini • Edited

Hello! Watching from California in between projects at work! I graduated last year and was lucky enough to find a job where I'm an administrative analyst for a paint company. The keynote speaker was so cool! Excited for the rest of the event!

ckn00b profile image
Christian New

Stoked for Codeland! Last year was awesome and the speakers were fun and informative. Be sure to listen in when you get the chance or watch the videos once they go up after live. Looking forward to seeing new and familiar faces this year!

aaron profile image
Aaron McCollum • Edited

Hello everyone! I'm Aaron McCollum - just woke up (it's early morning here in Japan). I'm a self-teaching developer right now going through The Odin Project. I also like sports (love soccer) and video games.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

How are you finding The Odin Project?

aaron profile image
Aaron McCollum

It's been really cool. I tried this about a year ago and fell off, so this time I've been putting less pressure on myself each day and just focusing on learning at least one thing each time. My favorite part so far as been learning Git in the Foundations course - that was a lot of fun and I feel super cool using Git in the command line to push updates to Github.

towers1209 profile image
Loreto E. Torres

Hello from New Jersey, USA.

I’ve programmed β€œold era” style before and had been away from quite a few years.

Coming back as a newbie - beginner’s mindset, as I understand that the industry has moved on real fast while I was β€œgone”. Currently working in the retail industry in the area of customer service.

I am looking into going back in the industry at the ripe age of 65. Restarting my career, while the rest of my fellow β€œbaby boomers” are retiring or in retirement.

Hope to find a lot of kindred spirits here.

darylnauman profile image
Daryl Nauman

Hi everyone, I'm from just outside of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I recently completed a full stack web development boot camp. I am continuing to learn and looking for employment opportunities (remote or in my area). It is so great to have an event like this for us code newbies!

elleon003 profile image
elleon003 • Edited

Hi all! I'm tuning in from Columbus Ohio, where Autumn has arrived!! I'm 41, and 11 months into running my own web development agency. And here's a pic of my co-attendee for the conference. (He's not quite as excited as I am):

My Jack Russell Terrier Archie

gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Welcome to CodeLand!! πŸŽ‰

sabinevidal profile image
Sabine V

Hello! Attending from Cape Town, South Africa, so will be watching in between my French lesson and making dinner.
Been on my coding journey for about 2 years now! Currently at Launch School and hoping to get an internship soon!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Hey Sabine, great to have you! Good luck!!

djyasin profile image

Hello all! I am a career change coder. I hold a BM in Vocal Performance, a BA in English, and an MLIS degree. While I do have 9 years of experience in Ecom and am not new to the world of tech, it is SO cool to see how many classically trained muscians are also career change students that have migrated to tech.

julzhou6 profile image
Julie Zhou

Hi everyone! I'm Julie and I'm joining from DC, USA! This is the first time I'm joining Codeland. I've been working as a junior developer for almost a year now and excited to check out these interesting talks and learn from them :)

joks84 profile image
Jelena • Edited

Hello everybody! It's Jelena.
Coming from Serbia, but currently in China, so it is 12am here :)

I'm a Python developer in the making, focused on web app development. Looking for a job/internship + learning (of course).

It is my first CodeLand! Wish you all good time with lots of new information and insights :)

james_fourth profile image
James Potts • Edited

Hi there! I live in Longmont, CO and work at Xerox automating IT infrastructure. Super excited to hear the talks. I love the DEV and CodeLand community, as indicated by my attire. :)

James Potts in DEV shirt

ikramsalim profile image
Ikram Salim • Edited

Hello everyone, I am seeking software engineering internships & entry level roles.Last summer, I helped nonprofits raise money through a tech startup called using React and Typescript.I used Python in building a command-line interpreter for the Robo-cluster manager of a Mars rover for the University of Saskatchewan Space Team.

debrakayelliott profile image
Debra-Kaye Elliott

Hi from Jamaica, West Indies πŸ‘‹πŸΎ. Happy I'm attending CodeLand this year! Last year imposter syndrome got the best of me and I didn't think I was qualified to attend πŸ™ˆ.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome Debra-Kaye. You are definitely qualified to attend!! And by next year you'll wonder if you're too qualified πŸ˜…. These things move fast.

debrakayelliott profile image
Debra-Kaye Elliott

πŸ˜‚ Thanks for the encouragement Ben!

fizzybuzzybeezy profile image

So glad you joined us Debra Kaye!

debrakayelliott profile image
Debra-Kaye Elliott

Thank you!

ikramsalim profile image
Ikram Salim • Edited

Hello! I am tuning in from Canada and this is my first time at CodeLand event. I am a junior CS Major looking for remote software engineering entry level roles. I enjoy hiking and taking a lot of photos during my hikes and walks.

chasingb profile image

Hey all! I'm Barbara and I'm tuning in from Cali. I'm a logistics worker turned software development student and I'm excited to be taking part in my very first conference! :)

tiffany profile image
Tiffany (she/ela)

Hello! I'm Tiffany, from Brazil, and I'm a second semester WebDev undergraduate. I work as a very newbie fullstack developer in a small edutech and I'm very happy to be here. I'm attending from home where I'm working on the front-end of an educational website I'm building for work. 🌈

richsweeney2381 profile image
Rich Sweeney

Hey CodeLand-ers! Chef-veloper here (chef learning to code with plans to transition to being a developer) and my first time getting to check CodeLand out on a much-needed day off!

nisaatac profile image

Hello everybody!!
I live in the Netherlands. I am an aerospace engineer and I would like have a dev career and I am working on it. Right now I am taking a full-stack course online.

crumbhustler profile image
crumbhustler • Edited

Hello everyone! My name's Ty and I'm from Austin,Tx. Been an avid Codenewbies podcast listener for a few years now and decided to start learning last year during covid. I'm currently working on learning the MERN stack. Huge fan of the community and excited to learn about everyone's path! I attached a photo of Ladybird, one of my many pets.

kaj profile image

Hi folks. I'm Kajah. I work as a consumer level tech coach for libraries right now but I'm learning Python, Linux, and networking as I hope to work in a devops role someday. Very excited to be here! Lets connect on LinkedIn!

laurenlucero profile image
Lauren Lucero

Hello, World! I am a junior software developer for Harvard Law School in Cambridge, MA. Every session so far has been great! I especially appreciate How to Provide Value from Day One of Your Dev Career :)

towers1209 profile image
Loreto E. Torres

Hello from New Jersey, USA.

I’ve programmed β€œold era” style before and had been away from the industry for quite a few years now.

Coming back as a newbie - beginner’s mindset, as I understand that the industry has moved on real fast while I was β€œgone”. Currently working in the retail industry in the area of customer service.

I am looking into going back in the industry at the ripe age of 65. Restarting my career, while the rest of my fellow β€œbaby boomers” are retiring or in retirement.

Hope to find a lot of kindred spirits here.

fizzybuzzybeezy profile image
fizzybuzzybeezy • Edited

Great to have you here Loreto! As another come-back kid, I'm excited to learn about other's experiences in making tech more welcoming and finding my own footing in this ever-broadening, ever-expanding (thank goodness!) space.

lyqht profile image
Estee Tey

Hello all! I'm Estee, a software developer from Singapore with ~1 year of working experience 😊.

estee pic

I live in GMT+8 timezone, so that means most of the time I can't join in CodeLand in real-time because it would be bed time for me, but still I'm looking forward to meet new people from all over the world outside of this tiny red dot.

I enjoy talking about different software engineering concepts, frontend, UXUI and definitely about anime 🐲. Now, tell me about you! ✨

P.S. You can find me on Twitter if you prefer a more personal chat.

iamaravindks profile image

Hey everyone , I'm Aravind from India.This is my first CodeLand event :D.

coderlore profile image

Aloha everyone! I'm from Hawaii and this is my first time attending a CodeLand event. So excited to learn more and meet you all!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


coderlore profile image

Aloha Ben! Hope you've been enjoying all the talks.

Thread Thread
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I have!

hugo_campanoli profile image
Hugo CampaΓ±oli

Hello! I'm Hugo, from Paraguay! I'm a self taught junior web dev :P trying to learn something new every day!

mraubreycodes profile image
Aubrey L. Fletcher

Hey everyone, Aubrey here... I am from Rhode Island, and I am catching this while I am at work! Cheers everyone!

emanuelgf profile image

Greetings all !
Joining CodeLand from the Algarve region in Portugal!
I've been learning to code since 2019, mostly self taught using various resources like articles, books and online interactive platforms.
Started as a full stack freelancer using mostly JavaScript frameworks and now I'm learning C# for my new job.

I love listening to the code newbie podcast!!
All the best! Keep on coding!

stewartstack profile image
John Stewart

Hi folks John from Scotland here. Thank you for bringing codeland online. Enjoying so far :)

emilybrooks profile image
Emily Brooks (She/Her) • Edited

Hi!!! Im new to the coding world! (Transitioning from Chef and recipe developer). Excited to meet people and join the community!

callumreid profile image

Hi everyone! I am a developer with about a year of experience who is just wrapping up my time at Hack Reactor. I'm looking to continue to learn about software engineering and technology at large, but my focus is in React and Javascript development. I live in Oakland, CA, and dream of taking the ferry to SF on the way to job in the city of technology. I spend most of my time hiking my 3yo german shepherd, climbing at Pacific Pipe, and of course starting an indefinite number of side projects. Can't wait for all the talks and engagement with the Code Newbie community! (Code Newbie was an absolutely mainstay of my first few months getting into coding !)

sparsh02 profile image

Hey Folks, This is Sparsh, tuning in from India, just a budding developer , in college right now, lovely to see you all. This is all new to me, so just figuring out, whats what. XD

sumitvarun profile image

Namaste.πŸ™ to all my codeland2021 family.
My name is sumit. And i am from india.
Due to IST Time Schedule. I have to wake whole night. This is going too crazyπŸ˜ƒ. I need some black coffee.β˜•β˜•

deannacastano profile image
Deanna CastaΓ±o • Edited

Hello everyone. I am currently a Junior Full Stack Developer. I just started to VOLUNTEER at as one of the leaders in the Boston area.

Here is my LinkedIn

eggscode profile image
John Nkereuwem

Hi I'm John Nkereuwem from Nigeria, this is my first time joining a codeland event and I'm super excited to be here. I'm a frontend developer and I've only been coding for less than 2years now. I hope to find mentors here in order to help motivate my career as a frontend developer.

gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Welcome to CodeLand! We are so happy you're here!

asdamwongmantap profile image
Amiruddin Saddam

Hi all, I'm saddam from indonesia, this is my first time to be attendee in CODELAND event and i think this is amazing event to increase knowledge

jennbradford777 profile image
Jenn Bradford

Hi I'm Jenn from Delaware. I'm a software dev and this is my second CodeLand. I learned so much at the last one and hope it goes the same this year, although I did miss most of the day here today because I forgot to take off.

ckn00b profile image
Christian New

🎢 hangin out, in the hallway 🎢

gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)


jestella profile image

hello, i'm a computer science student and this is my first time attending codeland! :)

rnandon profile image
Ryan Nance-Donaldson

Wow... All this discussion around hobbies is really making me feel validated in my current project! I'm working on a platform to bring hobbyists of all backgrounds together and to increase engagement with local resources for users. I wish it was live so I could share a link!

varghesejose2020 profile image
Varghese Jose

Wait is overπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

itsahsanmangal profile image
Ahsan Mangal πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»βœοΈπŸš€πŸš—βœ¨

Hello! This Ahsan From Pakistan. Newbie as a developer and wanted to build the community to learn and help each other. and speacially wish u a very best of luck to everyone for their career.

twosavoie profile image
Lisa Savoie

So glad to be here! I've always wanted to attend CodeLand! Loved the talks so far especially the ones on imposter syndrome and accessibility. Thanks!

codewithbingle profile image
Mary Abigail Padilla

Hello. I am new at codenewbie. Hello from California.

sjtmunez profile image

Tuning in from Bali, first time in CodeLand. Love the community!

ckn00b profile image
Christian New

These talks are great to listen to while I help QA do some end to end test cases 😴 Someone save me!

destiny16 profile image

Hi everyone! My name is Destiny and I am so happy to be apart of this community. I got a degree in computer science last year, but I don't feel like I learned many skills that set me apart. Now, I am teaching myself the skills that I will need to be a fullstack web developer. The presentations that we have had so far have been very informative and inspiring. I can't wait to see what more is in store :D

sharacrosslin profile image
Shara Crosslin

Hey everyone! I've been really enjoying all the talks I've been able to attend so far. As a former teacher (now full-stack JavaScript SWE), I really appreciated Tracey Berg-Fulton's talk about identifying your superpowers and pivoting into tech. I also loved hearing the speaker discussion with Thuy Doan and Pj Metz, very eye-opening perspectives about Impostor Syndrome!

dendrobiummoniliforme profile image

Really enjoyed that last lightning talk by Jonan Scheffler :)

fizzybuzzybeezy profile image

Yes! Many cookies for his adorable co-host! Also, very inspirational!

noviicee profile image

So who all are excited for Day-2?? πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰

spicyc profile image

Hi Everyone!

mraubreycodes profile image
Aubrey L. Fletcher

Hey everyone. Hope you are all well.. just here at work while attending the convention.

n0mad profile image
Justin Miles

Hello everyone! Justin here, signing in from Chicago, USA! This is my first CodeLand event! I am very excited to be here with you all.

dendrobiummoniliforme profile image

Is there a song-list for the music playing during downtime? :)

ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

Hey @dendrobiummoniliforme , thanks for asking! The track we play on loop is Crazy by Patrick Patrikios. It's a royalty-free track that's available quite widely. Please reach out to if you have any issues locating it.

jhermann profile image
JΓΌrgen Hermann

On the mere technical side of the learner's journey (WHAT to learn, in what order):

srivera12 profile image
Sarah Rivera • Edited

Tuning in from the suburbs around DC! Excited as this is my first coding-related event I've ever attended.

phellippe profile image
Felipe Novais

Hello! I'm from Brazil, and i hope a learn a lot today. Good event for everyone!

fizzybuzzybeezy profile image

Hi from GA, everyone! I'm a SQL / ETL (evaluate-transform-load) practitioner. I'm trained in computer science and I dabble in programming. I love to learn coding languages and feel like a life-long coding newbie. I also like to hear other perspectives, something my education didn't give me enough exposure to. Thank you for being here as well!

juanpflores profile image
Juan Pablo Flores

Hi folks!
Juan Pa here joining the event from Mexico City! πŸ‡²πŸ‡½

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Looking forward to this.

jhermann profile image
JΓΌrgen Hermann

Hmmm, is there a REAL chat somewhere? Because frankly, this doesn't work (which is no wonder, it's a forum / Β΅blog, not a chat).

fdocr profile image

Hi @jhermann , there's a Discord link at the very end of the Post if that's something you'd like to use to ask questions and chat there

fenrix__r8 profile image
πŸš€ Ishan Velle { πŸ–¦ 🍁 πŸ—Ί }

Hey, y'all! Checkin' in just now! Good to be here!

varghesejose2020 profile image
Varghese Jose

Waiting for second day

namanshrimali profile image

Hey, Anyone here from IST tz
Btw first time experiencing CODELAND 2021 and loving it β€οΈβ€οΈπŸ‘πŸ‘
Take bow to Organizers

murtuzaalisurti profile image


varghesejose2020 profile image
Varghese Jose

Wait is ove....rπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

xelaflash profile image


spicyc profile image

2nd Year Here!

mohamadhanafi profile image
Mohamad Hanafi

Hello everyone! I am Mohamad from Lebanon, and I am very happy to meet you all.

mraubreycodes profile image
Aubrey L. Fletcher

Hey, are there any ColdFusion Devs out there?

spicyc profile image

logged-on this morning.... have not been able to access anything live
everything is on-demand
is this the entire format?