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Estee Tey

A gamer, designer and builder. I enjoy thinking about how and why we code.

Location Singapore Joined Joined on  Personal website github website twitter website


Software Engineer at Thoughtworks

A Strange Moment.js — 3 Gotchas for Working & Testing with Datetimes

A Strange Moment.js — 3 Gotchas for Working & Testing with Datetimes

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12 min read

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Be a dev detective with Sourcegraph 🔍

Be a dev detective with Sourcegraph 🔍

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6 min read
Introduction to Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

Introduction to Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

Comments 3
13 min read
My second attempt at Hacktoberfest: 2021 Edition

My second attempt at Hacktoberfest: 2021 Edition

Comments 1
8 min read
Get the best out of Hacktoberfest as a contributor

Get the best out of Hacktoberfest as a contributor

Comments 1
12 min read
The Open Source & Hacktoberfest Anthology 🌻🔖

The Open Source & Hacktoberfest Anthology 🌻🔖

6 min read
Simple tutorial to migrate a non-CRA React project to Next.js

Simple tutorial to migrate a non-CRA React project to Next.js

Comments 1
9 min read
Developer insights: Why you should conduct user interviews

Developer insights: Why you should conduct user interviews

Comments 2
7 min read
3 Easy Steps to work on your next side project more effectively

3 Easy Steps to work on your next side project more effectively

Comments 2
6 min read
VueJS fundamentals + resources for React Developers

VueJS fundamentals + resources for React Developers

Comments 3
8 min read
Creating Tooltips with Tippy.js | My learning experience and why you should use it

Creating Tooltips with Tippy.js | My learning experience and why you should use it

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5 min read
A simple introduction to CSS Pseudo-elements & Pseudo-classes

A simple introduction to CSS Pseudo-elements & Pseudo-classes

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5 min read
What the FOUC is happening: Flash of Unstyled Content

What the FOUC is happening: Flash of Unstyled Content

Comments 4
6 min read
Django Rest Framework Beginner Cheatsheet

Django Rest Framework Beginner Cheatsheet

4 min read
What is Skeleton Loading and how to implement it in React

What is Skeleton Loading and how to implement it in React

Comments 3
5 min read
3 reasons why you should know about Atomic Design as a Developer

3 reasons why you should know about Atomic Design as a Developer

Comments 7
6 min read
Basics of testing an open source API with Postman (Part 2)

Basics of testing an open source API with Postman (Part 2)

Comments 4
14 min read
What kind of learner are you?

What kind of learner are you?

Comments 9
2 min read