CodeNewbie Community 🌱

CodeNewbie Staff
CodeNewbie Staff

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Welcome Thread - V13

Welcome, one and all to the CodeNewbie Community!

Pride flag waving

  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Make some new friends by responding to another newbie's comment 👋 Feel free to follow one another, too!

P.S. If you have a technical question, you've come to the right place! Use the #help tag in a new post to ask the community for assistance with writing your first line of code, picking a tool to use for a particular project, or anything else. No question is too basic.

Top comments (23)

alaztetik profile image
Alaz Tetik

Hello everyone!

I've been working as a chemical engineer since 2013 and now planning and preparing for the transition to web development career!

I have some experience with web stack (JS, HTML, CSS, Node, MySQL, MongoDB), and know some Python, Ruby, Smalltalk, PHP, Java. I am a GNU/Linux user all the way for 15 years!

I plan to master first at React and front-end technologies, after that I will deep dive into back-end and work with Golang and Java, and in the end, software development in general terms.

I also plan to make use of my previous chemical engineering industrial domain knowledge into something with programming, ML and data-related areas.

Hope to share with you anything I gain!

Best luck!

katfay profile image
Kat Fay

Sounds like you have a lot of helpful and interesting experience up your sleeve, Alaz, good luck! You can do this! ☺️

greggclunis profile image
Gregg Clunis

Hi all! I'm a podcaster and newer (in the last year) software engineer building an app to help people stick with and accomplish their goals. I'm attending CodeLand this year and decided to check out Code Newbie as well. Glad to be here.

katfay profile image
Kat Fay

@greggclunis I need this app! 😃 Looking forward to following your build journey.

greggclunis profile image
Gregg Clunis

Thanks for the support Kat :). Just entered beta with my small list of pre-sale customers so it should be in open beta in a few weeks :D

Thread Thread
katfay profile image
Kat Fay

Cool, make sure you post on here so we can check the release out 😃

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hey folks!

Hope that you dig being part of this community. 🙌

Quick tip: You can create an organization from here and invite folks to join it with you. Perhaps your company wants to create an org or maybe you have a group of friends that likes to write about a certain subject and y'all wanna rally together in an org.

For the record, here's our CodeLand 2022 org:

Speaking of... maybe you'd like to come join us for the CodeLand 2022 conference happening virtually on Jun 16th & 17th. Tickets are free! Hope to see ya there!!

keyrat profile image

KeyRat here... Played around with coding during high school, but now I am completing some code camps. I am also pursuing a BS in Computer Science at the University of Florida. I find that numbers are the only people that I can consistently rely on.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

I find that numbers are the only people that I can consistently rely on.

This sounds super poetic to me, haha. My wife is a veterinarian and says something similar about animals, haha. Something like:

Animals are the only people I can truly understand.

Ohhh people... we still got some evolving to do. 😅

Anyway, I hope ya enjoy being part of this community and that you find the material here helpful!

antonyfb profile image
Antony Fox-Bramwell

Hello! I'm Antony, a factory worker from the UK currently learning the basics through The Odin Project. Not 100% sure what I want to focus on right now, so I'm just focusing on learning the web dev stuff and thinking about picking up some python on the side.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Woot! Well you came to the write place. 🙌

Wishing you the best on your coding journey!

mr_romo profile image

Hello everyone!
My name is Chris im a photographer in Austin TX. Just started a fee days ago diving into learning code! Currently working on getting to know my terminal. Soon i plan on following along with the book Learn Python the Hard Way. so fingers crossed!

starboysharma profile image
Pankaj Sharma

Hey everyone,
I'm Pankaj Sharma from India. I am a mid-level Full stack developer. I have experience in building real time web apps. Currently working on React and Typescript.
If you want to know more check out my portfolio

gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Welcome to CodeNewbie Community, y'all!

katfay profile image
Kat Fay

Thanks @graciegregory16 ... btw I love a good em-dash! 😃

eireann07 profile image
Erin Coen

Hi everyone! I'm Erin, a former high school teacher from the Dallas, TX area and (hopeful) full-stack engineer! I'm almost done with my online bootcamp, so I'm definitely still learning, but so far I know Python, HTML, CSS (+SCSS & Bootstrap), JavaScript, React, Node.js, Express, and C. Really excited to attend Codeland and learn more!

joelmathewv profile image
Joel Mathew V

Hey Everyone
Joel here, a Sophomore doing Bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering, currently learning and working on Web2 and Web3, also mentally working out by doing Data Structures and Algorithms, and intent to learn Devops in future

mayowa20142 profile image

hello everyone !
i am Ade and recently just graduated with a bachelors in computer science and trying to figure out what branch of tech i would love to go into but the reason why i studied computer science in the first place was because i wanted to be a video game designer

katfay profile image
Kat Fay

Hi everyone 😃 👋🏼

I'm a webdev newbie loving all the learning, making and sharing. I'm a bit older (37) and work in proofreading 4 days a week, so am doing the self-directed study thing though SheCodes (and Twitter lol) on my day off (+ weekends + mornings + nights ... you know the drill 🤣).

Sometimes I can feel a little silly/alone putting all this time into something I can't really explain to the non-tech people around me, with no guarantee of a career ... so I'd really love to connect with other coding beginners like y'all in this community to encourage each other to keep learning (sometimes a little 📣 💪🏻 🎉 is so needed!) and share in each others’ journeys.

If this sounds like you, chuck your Twitter handle below so I can follow you! (mine is @katfay_) 💕

P.S. I'm a big fan of the podcast and still working out how to use this CodeNewbie community ... feel like I'm doing it all wrong?! 🤦‍♀️ Any tips appreciated 🙏🏻

vladimirvinarsky profile image

Hello I am Vladimir,
cell biologist interested in what makes our heart cells work (and fail).
I got into coding through statistical scripting language R which I use to analyse the optical signal I get from my cells. I would like to transition from laboratory work in academia to data science/image analysis in industry.
Currently learning how to make interactive web apps using the Shiny package in R.
Looking forward to experience the community.

felipefama profile image
felipe fama

Hello guys!
My name is Felipe, and I'm learning a lot at freecodecamp, focusing my studies at the moment on web development.

davidgarbs profile image
David Garbs

Hello everyone,

Been working in the hospitality industry on the tech side. Looking forward to learning, participating, and sharing here.