CodeNewbie Community 🌱

CodeNewbie Staff
CodeNewbie Staff

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Welcome Thread - V29

Welcome everybody to the CodeNewbie Community!

Arnold and Gerald doing their best friend handshake from the show "Hey Arnold!"

  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Make some new friends by responding to another newbie's comment 👋 Feel free to follow one another, too!

P.S. If you have a technical question, you've come to the right place! Use the #help tag in a new post to ask the community for assistance with writing your first line of code, picking a tool to use for a particular project, or anything else. No question is too basic.

Top comments (12)

mb_shack profile image
Mallory Shackford

Hi everyone!
Excited to be a part of this community. I've been having an incredible time learning HTML, CSS and JS (although the last, I'm still struggling with). Can't wait to continue the learning journey with y'all!

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

Welcome! 🥳

codewithme224 profile image


frankiefab100 profile image
Franklin Ohaegbulam

Great to have you here.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome to all the newbies!

productresearcher profile image

Hello guys, glad to be here.
I am a product designer(UI/UX), with background in development, got an advanced software engineer cert, studied I.T & business information systems degree, but i suck at coding.

I love UI and UX because thats where my talent is @.

I am trying to grow my R&D company, we(I for now) create startups in-house.

I am currently working on a startup thats impossible to fail as it is a multi service platform, which means if one service isn't working so well another is.

My challenge is funding so i am currently building the MVP on flutter myself.

I would love to meet other flutter developers so we can learn together, best of all find a mentor.

guntercodes profile image

Hello everyone!

I came across this community while trying to figure out GitHub works (still not sure yet, but I have the account made). I am making the transition out of the health/fitness world into the tech world.

I have had a blast learning Python, HTML, and CSS so far. I will say that it is definitely challenging, but having things break and getting to dive in and fix them has been very rewarding!

I would like to meet some fellow coders to have someone to chat with and build a network as I work towards a new career.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Welcome 😄✨

codewithme224 profile image

Hello, am Emmanuel and am glad to be here. Software development, UI/UX design and Data Science is my interest. Very happy to be part of this great community and hoping to learn more here

shyran profile image
Serhii Shyran


wasline profile image
Wasline saint fleur


Wow, I so happy to be here. It's been about 1 year that I took the path of the code and I must say that I like it. I can't wait to see what the future holds for me.

ejineroz profile image

Hi Everyone!
So happy to be here.....