CodeNewbie Community 🌱

Emily Crook
Emily Crook

Posted on

First Community Post

Hello! I am new to the CodeNewbie community, but not new to the podcast! I have been listening to the podcast for years, and it inspired me to take the next step and get into coding. I recently graduated a Full Stack Web Development bootcamp and have begun the scary yet exciting search for my first job in tech! So far it has been a bit bumpy, so I have found myself coming back to the CodeNewbie Community in hopes of keeping myself on track and accountable for learning, so I can nail my technical interviews. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions about my experience in a coding bootcamp, have some tips/tricks for me, or just want to say hello!

Happy coding!

Top comments (3)

anitabe404 profile image
Anita Beauchamp

Hi Emily! Welcome. I'm in a data science bootcamp right now (about one month in). Job searching can be tough, but there are a lot of folks willing to help.

  • Danny Thompson has a free LinkedIn series on his YouTube channel that has helped a lot of people. He also has a Discord community and hosts a lot of Twitter spaces around the topic of getting your first job in tech. If you haven't done so yet, definitely check him out.
  • There's a notion page called here to help that lists people willing to provide free mentorship, resume tips, etc.

You'll find something as long as you keep going.

All the best!

aaron profile image
Aaron McCollum

Yooooo welcome in Emily! Great to have you here. Congrats on finishing bootcamp! I’m looking at doing one myself - where did you go? Have you considered writing a post here on how it went? I bet a lot of people here would be very interested :)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Happy coding!