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Top Courses In Django and Python

Udemy - Python Django 4 Masterclass | Build a Real World Project

Python Django 4 Masterclass | Build a Real World Project

Knowledge of Python

  • Basic understanding of HTML and CSS
  • A computer with an internet connection to install free development tools


Welcome to the Python Django 4 Masterclass, where you will learn Django and create a real-world project.

Python is one of, if not the most popular programming languages in the world. As such, there is a huge demand for Python programmers. Django is the web development environment of choice for many, perhaps most Python developers.

To maximize your career opportunities, you must be proficient in coding for the web, and this course is designed to teach you just that.

Your instructor in this course is Faisal Memon, who has over 12 years of experience building global products being used by millions of users across the globe and who was also part of the Google Launchpad Accelerator.

In this course, Faisal will teach you how to develop production-grade web applications using the Python Django Framework. You'll understand what a web framework is and why you should use one, and why the Django framework, specifically, is the perfect web framework to learn.

This course is already massive at nearly 20 hours and is constantly updated and revised.

Just some of the things you will learn in this course include:

  • Creating your own URLs and views to serve user requests from the browser
  • The Django Template Language and how can you create dynamic templates with Django
  • Learn filters in the Django template language
  • Database migrations and multiple models
  • Writing queries to fetch data using Querysets
  • Work with the Django Admin Panel to manage/customize your website
  • Forms and ModelForms to accept information from users on your website
  • Managing static files like HTML, CSS, and JS on the server
  • Implementing Authentication in Django
  • Working with and managing sessions in Django
  • Deploy apps on a real production server and see it live over the internet
  • Learn to make APIs using the Django Rest Framework

This is a very comprehensive course designed to get you up to speed fast with the Django framework. To get the most out of it, you should have a working, basic knowledge of Python 3.

By the end of this course, you will have obtained sufficient knowledge and confidence with Django to be in a position to start applying for jobs as a Django Web application Developer.

Are you ready to start the Python Django 4 Masterclass? Click the enrol button to make a start!

Tips: Use a Udemy discount code to save money on this and more Udemy courses.

Coursera - Building Web Applications in Django

Building Web Applications in Django


In this course, you will learn how Django communicates with a database through model objects. You will explore Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) for database access and how Django models implement this pattern. We will review the Object-Oriented (OO) pattern in Python. You will learn basic Structured Query Language (SQL) and database modeling, including one-to-many and many-to-many relationships and how they work in both the SQL and Django models. You will learn how to use the Django console and scripts to work with your application objects interactively.

Start Learning Today

Tips: Let’s take Coursera coupon code to save the most money!!!

Simplilearn - Programming with Python 3.X

Programming with Python 3.X

Learn programming with python right from its fundamentals with this introductory course for beginners. It will help you get started with Python programming and explore concepts like variables, functions and variables. You will also learn how to understand error detection and work with files and classes.

Beginners who want to learn programming with Python can start with the basics first. Once you have mastered the Python basics you can move on to advanced topics.

The Introduction to Python Programming course consists of 3 hours of video content that will help you understand the concepts thoroughly.

The videos that you find as a part of this free Programming with Python are created by mentors who are industry leaders with vast experience in the field. They are aware of the needs of different learners and have designed the course to be easy to learn.

Start Learning Now

Tips: Save more money by using Simplilearn promo code immediately!

Codecademy - Build Python Web Apps with Django

Build Python Web Apps with Django

Welcome to the world of Django (pronounced like JANG-go with a silent D)! Get introduced to an open-source web development framework supported by the Django Software Foundation. Django is written in Python and provides an opinionated approach to web development meaning you’ll know how projects are structured and have a general set of guidelines for how to bring your apps to life. Django comes with a lot of tools already provided, so you can pick and choose what you need to get the job done.

To start this Skill Path, upgrade your plan.

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