CodeNewbie Community 🌱

Jess Lee
Jess Lee

Posted on

Welcome Thread

Hey there! Welcome to CodeNewbie!


Leave a comment below to introduce yourself to the community!✌️

Top comments (342)

quincylarson profile image
Quincy Larson

Hey everyone, I'm a teacher at freeCodeCamp. I am a long-time fan of CodeNewbie and have participated in some of their Twitter chats over the years. I am not sure how much I'll write here on the new CodeNewbie site, but I wanted to introduce myself. I look forward to reading your writing, and hope you all have a fun, insightful time.

gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Yay! Welcome, Quincy!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor


Spiderman swinging by to say hello

brendamichellle profile image
Brenda Michelle

Hey quincy! Nice seeing you here 😊👋

jaimes profile image

Hi Quincy! FreeCodeCamp is an amazing resource!

hstamps4 profile image

The legend himself. Thank you for creating freecodecamp🙌🏾

dorothyr profile image
Dorothy Rhodes

Thanks for freeCodeCamp (it's where I started learning), and for saying hi here!

arwands92 profile image
Arwan Sasmito

Ohh.. Master...

shaquilhansford profile image
SR Hansford

Love when freecodecamp articles pop up in my google news feed. Thanks for the awesome resource.

timocmd2 profile image
Timo Sarkar

Hey Quincy!!!

I admire FreeCodeCamp soo ❤️ Nice to have you here 🎉

nycbeardo profile image
Montique Stevens

Good to see you, Quincy. I'm a big fan of freecodecamp!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome Quincy!

shoescodefor profile image
Schuyler Ankele

Quincy, I love all of your updates for FCC! The highlight of my day whenever those come through. So cool to see you in here.

jeremy profile image
Jeremy Schuurmans • Edited

Hey everyone! I'm Jeremy Schuurmans -- I'm a former boot camp student and current junior engineer. I love helping other people in their coding journeys because so many people helped (and continue to help) me in mine. I'm looking forward to seeing this space grow!

peter profile image

Welcome, Jeremy! Very glad that you are here.

brendamichellle profile image
Brenda Michelle

Hey Jeremy nice to meet you! 😊👋

jeremy profile image
Jeremy Schuurmans

Nice to meet you too!

jaimes profile image

Hi, Jeremy! Nice to meet you! :)

kylegalbraith profile image
Kyle Galbraith

Hello everyone! I have been a long time follower of CodeNewbie and Dev. I was super excited by the merger of the two a while back and I can only imagine what this community will grow into.

I have been in development for a decade now, mostly within the AWS ecosystem, but have been doing more and more with Hybrid cloud and multi-cloud things. I am very excited to continue sharing my knowledge with this inclusive community.

brendamichellle profile image
Brenda Michelle

Hi Kyle! Nice to meet you 😊👋

mccurcio profile image
Matt C

Hi Brenda,
I saw your recent article on about how you got a job thru working your Linkedin profile. I would love to find out more. Got 15 minutes to talk. ;)

Thread Thread
brendamichellle profile image
Brenda Michelle

For sure let me know if you have any questions. Feel free to reach out on social media or by email 😊👍

_torrborr profile image
Tori Crawford

Hey y'all! I'm a former bootcamp graduate and have been working as a software engineer who primarily works with Ruby on Rails for 7 months now. I went through a 14 month long and arduous job search before landing my current role, where I now sit on the other side of interviews!

My passion for blogging was sparked over on DEV nearly 2 years ago now. Writing for the CodeNewbie tag there was one of my favorite things to do, so I'm really excited to be here and help contribute to this amazing community and resource for CodeNewbies!

brendamichellle profile image
Brenda Michelle

Hiii Tori! Nice to meet you 😊👋

saron profile image
Saron Yitbarek • Edited

Congrats on getting through the job search! Those things are never fun, but I hope you're enjoying your role now that you're on the other side!

gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Love to hear this!!

samborick profile image
Sam Borick

Hi Everyone! My name is Sam. When I'm not working on frontend or native app development, I run the WeeklyProject.Club where I try and help new programmers with weekly projects.

I'm really excited to be here with some many cool people!

brendamichellle profile image
Brenda Michelle

Hi Sam! That sounds like an amazing platform i will definitely check it out😊👍

saron profile image
Saron Yitbarek

Hi Sam, great to have you!

jonoyeong profile image
Jonathan Yeong

Hi everyone! My name is Jonathan Yeong, a senior software engineer at a company in Seattle. When I first started my web development journey, Code Newbie was the biggest support network I had. I'm super excited to be able to give back to the community!

gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Yay! I was hoping we'd see you here, Jonathan!

jonoyeong profile image
Jonathan Yeong

👋 Hiii! Glad this community exists!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Woot! Nice to see a familiar face here. 😀

brendamichellle profile image
Brenda Michelle

Hi Jonathan nice to meet you 😊👋

kenrogers profile image
Ken Rogers

Hey everyone! My name is Ken. I’m a React Developer. First got started in 2014 with Laravel. Got my first job as a junior dev with no degree and no previous experience of any kind. It was all thanks to amazing content created online by other awesome devs. So now in addition to my day job I focus on helping others break into the industry regardless of their education or experience. Excited to be here!

brendamichellle profile image
Brenda Michelle

Hey Ken nice meeting you 😊👋

saron profile image
Saron Yitbarek

Thanks for paying it forward Ken!

httpspauline profile image

Hi everyone! Nice to meet you all 👩🏻‍💻 I'm Pauline — a self-taught developer based in the Netherlands. I've been working as a frontend engineer for 2 years now. I've received so much help and support over the years from colleagues as well as kind strangers, and I really want to give back to the community by helping out new developers. 🙌 Very excited to be here and to watch this space grow into something beautiful!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Heyo! Welcome to the community.

I've received so much help and support over the years from colleagues as well as kind strangers, and I really want to give back to the community by helping out new developers.

Just to say, this is an awesome mindset to have! ☝️

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Hi Pauline 🙋🏻‍♀️

I'm based in The Netherlands as well and I am still learning frontend webdev, also a self-taught 😃

Nice to meet you 😊

brendamichellle profile image
Brenda Michelle

Hi Pauline! Nice to meet you 😊 i live in Belgium. We're neighbors 👋👋

httpspauline profile image

Nice to meet you too, Brenda! 😊 👋

chrissiemhrk profile image

Hey everyone! I'm Chrissie, a front-end web developer and UI designer from Rwanda 🇷🇼 I started my blogging journey on Dev last year and I'm excited to be part of this new community and help others code newbie grow and develop their careers 🙂

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Hi Chrissie!

brendamichellle profile image
Brenda Michelle

Hey chrissie nice to meet you 😊👋

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Whale hello there!

helleworld_ profile image
Desiré 🤶

Hello there 😊👋!

I'm Desiré, from Spain -- an ex UI/UX specialist, web dev&designer who's currently learning game development to change careers. Wish me luck, so glad to be here! 🤘

gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Some CodeNewbie Community good luck magic for you:

✨✨🌈 🧚‍♀️ ✨✨

saron profile image
Saron Yitbarek

That's awesome Desiré! Best of luck on your journey!

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Gooood luck!!

brendamichellle profile image
Brenda Michelle

Hi Desiré nice meeting you. Good luck you gor it 😊👍

crumbhustler profile image

Hi all! I'm Ty, currently working through front-end and hoping to perfect (is that possible? lol) back-end in the near future. I work in communications and would love to see what everyone is working on. I hope all of you are doing excellent!

jaybeekeeper profile image
jarret bryan

Hi all!

I'm Jarret - I'm a junior software engineer and creative technologist, and a Flatiron School alum! CodeNewbie and have been pretty integral to my journey, so I'm excited to be here! I'm looking to learn more on creative coding and open source work, and I'll always be working on my fundamentals.

gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Hi Jarret. So happy you're here. I like that you say you'll always be working on your fundamentals. Aren't we all!

carlmungazi profile image
Carl Mungazi • Edited

Hey, Carl here! Started listening to CodeNewbie back in 2016/17 when I was first learning to program. The community played a key part in introducing me to the wider world of software development and I would like to give back in sharing everything I have learnt since then. I really like digging into the source code of open-source libraries and blogging about my discoveries.

saron profile image
Saron Yitbarek

Woohoo! Thanks for being with us all these years!

connieh1 profile image

Hi. Looking forward to using the new format. Great community. Recent bootcamp grad.

gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Hi Connie!

saron profile image
Saron Yitbarek

Neat! Fellow bootcamp grad here :D Which one did you go to?

connieh1 profile image

Hi Saron!
I Went through Flatiron's Full-Stack SE program. Which one did you go to?

yechielk profile image
Yechiel (he/him)

Hey all 👋

Really excited about this! Can't wait to see how it grows!

gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Stoked you are here!