CodeNewbie Community 🌱

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Nick Taylor
Nick Taylor

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What's something you're struggling with?

A lot of folks are starting the coding journey and I'm curious what are some of the things that get you stumped and block you?

![A scene from the show Community where a character walks in with pizzas to a room that is on fire](

Maybe it's some kind of algorithm you can't quite figure out, or you're not quite getting how React works or some concept in JavaScript.

Don't be shy, the community is here to help you!

![Cast of Saved By the Bell high-fiving saying "Teamwork!"](

Top comments (13)

j3ffjessie profile image

Right now I’m struggling with how I’m going to pull data from two different API requests into one component and serve that data to a chart library for use. Currently I have one request serving data and utilizing it with the chart but haven’t set my head right on how to handle the second request and serving that data. State management and ensuring the second request doesn’t get repeated multiple times is key and I’m having a little difficulty wrangling my thoughts on it currently.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor • Edited

If you're making the two API calls and the second call doesn't depend on the first, use Promise.all. I'm assuming you're referring to a JS framework like React or Vue based on

pull data from two different API requests into one component

Not really understanding the second request being called multiple times potentially though. I'd need more context.

j3ffjessie profile image

Right on. Using React, Axios has their own Axios.all that can handled the promise stuff. Trying to figure out a way to limit one call to only run once. The data will stay the same for one API request but the other request is handled by user input. Appreciate your advice.

truemail785 profile image

I'm fresh MERN Stack dev. Made a couple of full stack projects and now looking for jr dev job/internship. I thought learning to code was hard, now I realize that getting a job( or at least first job) is much harder 😁.
Hopefully I'll land my job soon.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

I won’t candy coat it. Landing the first job can be tough but keep at it. 😎

It's True - Dwight Shrute

timrohrer profile image
Tim Rohrer

I'm not understanding how the creators of this platform envision us using it as a replacement for the Slack channels. Or as a place to ask the kinds of questions you seem to be suggesting.

If someone has a question specific to a block of code, do they "Write a post"? This area seems focused on sharing knowledge in a more general way; Connect seems set up for DMs; and I've not found any other feature that seems focused on Q&A (other than Twitter which is not a great chat platform like Slack).

Am I missing something?

gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her) • Edited

Hi Tim! Thanks for inquiring. Us CodeNewbie Community organizers have been working on clearing up this exact thing due to similar feedback we've gotten in the past. We're working on making this more widely known, but you can actually use the #help tag on posts where you would like feedback on anything — from specific blocks of code to workplace/school advice.

We've graduated from Slack because the Forem ecosystem encourages lasting and more ongoing discussion which will help our community learn from one another better. That said, we are also aware that this space needs some additional features to make it more navigable for all of you and more friendly for pure beginners, too!

We hope this helps but let us know if you have any other questions!

furgieofficial profile image

Struggling with trying to find a suitable mentor and struggling with starting up freelance as imposter syndrome is my worst enemy :'(

Also I tried to create my first React app page and it wouldn't work out :( which is SO frustrating!

dylancazaly profile image
dylan cazaly

Something I'm struggling with is finding reliable and skilled professionals for home renovations. Recently, I had a particularly frustrating experience where I hired a team that didn't meet my expectations in terms of quality and timeliness. In contrast, I've heard great things about Matt Piazzalini's crew, who are known for their exceptional craftsmanship and punctuality. It seems that finding trustworthy and competent workers can be a challenge, but knowing there are reputable options like Matt Piazzalini's crew gives me hope for future projects.

theslamanderson profile image
Chris Anderson
  1. I am struggling with doing coding outside of work.
  2. I am struggling to move outside of just knowing the base-level syntax and transferring that to a more in-depth project.
j3ffjessie profile image

I went through the exact same thing.

  1. Figure out if bad habits are keeping you from coding outside of work. I had a bad habit of playing on my phone after work instead of doing coding. I took some time to identify my bad habits and tried to make coding a more attractive habit after work by implementing small changes like leaving my phone out of the room.

  2. Find something you are passionate about and build a project for it. You will struggle at points, but that’s the best part. You reach out and get help and read the docs and find your way through it. It will be fun and aggravating at the same time. Just have to take that first step into the unknown and push yourself to master your Google-Fu.

lor1138 profile image
Laura OBrien

IMPOSTER SYNDROME. Like bad. Also breaking down problems into smaller problems is so hard for my brain. If anyone has resources or tips, please please share!!!

juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez

I might be late to the event but I wrote something about that syndrome a year ago that has helped a couple of people already. Hope it helps you as well.