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Fabián Rodríguez for SunDevs Inc.

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9 interview questions to get a job as an iOS developer

One of the best practices for software developers in any stage of their careers, is to prepare for the job interview.

In the this article, I'll share with you 9 questions that companies use when they are going to hire iOS developers.

  1. What is the init() in Swift method good for?
  2. What is the difference between Let and Var?
  3. What does optional chaining consist of?
  4. What are Lazy stored properties and in which case are they useful?
  5. What are Enum used for?
  6. What is a Dictionary?
  7. Explain the adapter and Memento patterns in Swift
  8. What are the differences between Struct and Class?
  9. How can you make a property optional?

Let me know what you think about this
questions and what others would you add.

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