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Nandani Sharma

I'm here to share knowledge and learnings about #android #iOS #web development.

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Generics: A Boon for Strongly Typed Languages

Generics: A Boon for Strongly Typed Languages

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5 min read

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How to Test CSS Font Loading API Using Jest

How to Test CSS Font Loading API Using Jest

Comments 2
4 min read
How to Implement Type-Safe Navigation with go_router in Flutter

How to Implement Type-Safe Navigation with go_router in Flutter

7 min read
How to do Data Serialization and Deserialization in Golang

How to do Data Serialization and Deserialization in Golang

Comments 1
7 min read
Exploring Shared Element Transition with Navigation in Compose

Exploring Shared Element Transition with Navigation in Compose

6 min read
Websocket Alternative: How to use Firestore to Listen to Realtime Events

Websocket Alternative: How to use Firestore to Listen to Realtime Events

7 min read
Function Types and Higher-Order Functions in Go

Function Types and Higher-Order Functions in Go

6 min read
How To Send Emails Using Cloud Functions, Firestore & Firebase-Send-Email

How To Send Emails Using Cloud Functions, Firestore & Firebase-Send-Email

4 min read
Implement Face ID Authentication in the iOS App

Implement Face ID Authentication in the iOS App

6 min read
How to Implement Adaptive Pageview in Flutter

How to Implement Adaptive Pageview in Flutter

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5 min read
How to Secure Your Supabase Database and Storage

How to Secure Your Supabase Database and Storage

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6 min read
How to Implement Biometric Authentication with Jetpack Compose and AES Encryption

How to Implement Biometric Authentication with Jetpack Compose and AES Encryption

Comments 1
7 min read
Consistent Data Encryption in Android, iOS, and Flutter Apps with AES

Consistent Data Encryption in Android, iOS, and Flutter Apps with AES

6 min read
How to use Enums in Golang

How to use Enums in Golang

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3 min read
How to Create and Publish Nuxt Component Library

How to Create and Publish Nuxt Component Library

Comments 3
3 min read
How to Drag and Drop using Modifier.dragAndDropSource/Target - Jetpack Compose

How to Drag and Drop using Modifier.dragAndDropSource/Target - Jetpack Compose

3 min read
How to Achieve Effortless List Item Animation and Reordering in Flutter

How to Achieve Effortless List Item Animation and Reordering in Flutter

4 min read