This thread is for participants in Cohort 1 of #CNC2022's "Code More" Challenge.
Mission 3 Discussion Thread
After you've completed the reading and exercises in your Mission 3 email (to be sent on Monday, February 14 at 1:30 PM UTC), respond to the following prompts related to the work you've done...
1. Tell us what you plan to do differently in your next coding session
2. How is your coding momentum right now? Give us an update on how you're feeling.
Scan through the comments after you've posted your own and interact with 1-2 other people. Don't forget to follow these people on CodeNewbie Community if you aren't already!Β
Congrats on challenging yourself to Code More! If you have any questions about the challenge overall, head to the Code More Help Thread. For any technical questions throughout the challenge (or in general) write a #help post on CodeNewbie Community or DEV and share with the community!
Top comments (16)
I need to stick to my scheduled time slot from beginning to end. I also want to incorporate a reflection at the end of the session or the day. Something basic just jotting down what I actually was reviewing, what gave me a challenge, and what I need to continue to review.
Coding momentum is going well. I've made it a point to at least stick to solving the daily problems from a few sites I visit, even if I'm not learning something new. This way I'm consistently in that mind frame. By the way, HackerRank (in no way affiliated to them) has a nice 30 Days of Code challenge for beginners, in different programming languages.
Hey Ron,
I'm also doing the HackerRank coding problems. About two months ago I started their 3 month Interview Prep algorithms section and it's been going well. Their problems are fun!
Also, I wanted to comment on your number 1. If creating a schedule doesn't work for you or you find it's hard to stick to, what I like to do is set 4 - 5 tasks that I want to complete each day -- start with the harder one first and just hack away at it as I go about my day. This way, I don't feel so guilty when I am unable to follow my schedule to a tee and I create a healthy relationship with my tasks rather than setting myself up to fail and feel bad. Then, at the end of the day, I look back and see which tasks I got done, how they went, and then create the next 5 for tomorrow.
Glad the coding is going well! Keep it up :)
Nice approach!
Good advice.
Good job and thanks for the suggestion! Definitely taking a look at it.
Hello folks.
1. Tell us what you plan to do differently in your next coding session
I plan to incorporate some small scripts and projects during the week (separate from the larger project) in an attempt to keep coding "fun". I want to find an open source project to contribute to as well.
2. How is your coding momentum right now? Give us an update on how you're feeling.
I have been coding at least 2 days a week since I started the cohort. I know it is not about how many days I code; however, I want to continue to learn and improve so it requires putting in the work. Like I stated at the beginning of the balance is a challenge.
I feel like "I don't know what I don't know". It's challenging to know what skills I should be working ask 5 people, you might get 5 different answers on what you need to know. Overall, I feel good about my journey. I have come a long way since:
print('Hello World!)
Here are my updates this week:
I know exactly what you mean. I started with HTML and CSS because that's where most people start at plus I was interested in building websites. I recommend picking a language to learn that does what you are interested in. It's a lot easier to learn if it's fun.
This week I decided I need to focus on just a few things: building my portfolio, writing my blog posts, and practicing algorithms.
In the previous weeks I have been spreading myself thin. My main focus has been to get a job as a full stack web developer. I was also juggling learning mobile development with android and flutter, but I've realized that I'm not as effective if I have too many tasks each week. I have still been very productive and using my time well each day, but this week is different.
I created a modified schedule for myself and I have been following it. Created tasks and sub tasks for myself to follow and it has been going really well! I have always been a very organized and disciplined person, so getting work done hasn't been too much of an issue for me lately.
I'm feeling really confident this week! I have almost two projects completed of the three that I initially set for my goal during this challenge. I have three blog posts already (need to publish the recent two on here), which was my goal, and I'm already working on a 4th. I'm even thinking about starting to apply for jobs in the next week or so.
I have to say, just seeing that there are other people doing the same thing I am, having a bit of community, has really helped me feel motivated, so THANK ALL OF YOU!
I would advise you to look at how resources for online gambling games are made. It has become popular among people all over the world. Here is a good example - It is ideal to be a mobile developer. This is a good niche for both creators and gambling users. Have you tried playing such applications?
Wow, I wish I could have been as productive this week. Congrats!
Thanks! It's been a really good couple of weeks for me. Excited to start applying for jobs soon!
Late to the party but here nonetheless!
1. In the next session/s I plan to allocate bigger chunks of time so I can get more done.
2. I don't have much momentum as some unexpected things came up last week that required most of my time. Hope to gain more in the next weeks. Feeling somewhat frustrated but still motivated to dedicate as much time as I can to this.
Side note: I just discovered you can use
Ctrl + B
andCtrl + I
to toggle bold/italic text on this editor. π1.Β Tell us what you plan to do differently in your next coding session
I found that I really enjoy having a defined project to work on. I started out the challenge planning to work on some neglected side projects that I want to update. I also have been wanting to work on some Frontend Mentor challenges. These are challenges where you are provided designs to code using any stack you prefer. This has been a better way to keep me focused on a project without getting sidetracked on so many details I have to decide on. I do have to decide on how to structure the CSS for my projects and I'm finding a lot of good resources to improve my skills.
2.Β How is your coding momentum right now? Give us an update on how you're feeling.
I can complete 20 - 30 minute work sessions during the week and dedicate more time for longer sessions on the weekends. This has been working out better for me. I've tried coding early in the mornings, but I'm finding that scheduling sessions for late evenings or at night work best. Overall, I'm establishing a better routine that I can stick to and that I'm happy with.
1.Tell us what you plan to do differently in your next coding session.
I plan to find additional resources that can help with testing websites on different sized screens. I also have to correct some mistakes on my portfolio due to these screen sizing issues.
Well my goal was to get my portfolio website finished and I guess I've technically done that except I have to correct the errors. I should have tested it on all screens before posting it I guess, and I shouldn't rush into another project without making sure the current one is done properly. Assuming I can do this without too many problems, then I would say my coding is going good.
Confession: I completely forgot to post my Mission #3 on this thread!! So I have retro-actively gone to my notes and posted my Mission #3 comments. π€ͺ
1. Tell us what you plan to do differently in your next coding session
I go to the library where I have a couple of hours in the morning where it's quiet and most importantly distraction free.
2. How is your coding momentum right now? Give us an update on how you're feeling.
So creating the task list has been great. I've have tried working through a list before but it never taken. However, this time I have created short goals which I aim to complete in a week.
So looking back when I wrote these comments in my notes and comparing the the tasks I had then. Wow, I have completed all those goals and then some. That feels great!
Tell us what you plan to do differently in your next coding session.
I plan to be more focused, prime my environment to be more productive, remove distractions entirely, block out time at intervals where I can actively code without disruptions of any kind.
How is your coding momentum right now? Give us an update on how you're feeling.
I am coding, at intervals, like 10 mins, 30 mins and gradually growing the momentum and confidence from there. I try to time myself on specific tasks and challenges so that I can get help when I couldn't solve them without wasting to much time on it. Being productive, not stubborn.