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Robert Andrews
Robert Andrews

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How to get my own forked-repo GitHub Issues in VS Code?

I forked tidythemes/blankslate to robertandrews/blankstrap.

I created new Issues for myself, for my own fork...

Image description

But, in VS Code, in the GitHub extension panel, I am instead seeing the Issues for the original blankslate...

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Source Control Repositories shows...

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Branch switcher shows...

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Switching to another (ie. origin/master Remote) does not result in my Issues showing.

What must I do to get my own Issues visible?

Top comments (3)

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Larry Martin

Confirm that your local repository points to your forked versions URL. This should resolve the display issue in VS Code allowing you to access your own created issues for robertandrews/blankstrap.
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Robert Andrews

The only way I can get them to display so far is by editing settings.json to add a new githubIssues.queries item:

      "label": "Test Issues",
      "query": "state:open repo:robertandrews/blankstrap sort:updated-desc"
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Then, they show. But this, of course, means this is visible no matter what I open in VS Code.

robertandrews profile image
Robert Andrews

Developer of the VS Code GitHub Issues extension suggests it may be a bug.