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Taryn McMillan

Unity/C# Developer | Technical Writer | Mom | Multi-Potentialite

Location Brantford, Ontario Joined Joined on  Personal website github website twitter website


M.A. History, B.A. History & Theatre, Technical Writing Certificate


Freelance Unity Developer

Game Development Projects for Hacktoberfest

Game Development Projects for Hacktoberfest

Comments 5
3 min read

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Debugging as a Solo Game Developer: My Workflow

Debugging as a Solo Game Developer: My Workflow

Comments 7
5 min read
Setting Up Your First Unity 2D Project

Setting Up Your First Unity 2D Project

4 min read
Launching an Instagram Dev Account: A How-To Guide

Launching an Instagram Dev Account: A How-To Guide

Comments 3
8 min read
Here's How to Switch From the Humanities to Tech

Here's How to Switch From the Humanities to Tech

Comments 1
10 min read
A Definitive Guide to Completing Your First Game Jam

A Definitive Guide to Completing Your First Game Jam

Comments 14
8 min read
New to Coding? Here's How to Beat Impostor Syndrome

New to Coding? Here's How to Beat Impostor Syndrome

Comments 2
5 min read
My Experience Doing #100DaysofCode as a Stay-at-Home Mom

My Experience Doing #100DaysofCode as a Stay-at-Home Mom

Comments 1
7 min read
5 Excellent Reasons Why You Should Be Developing Games

5 Excellent Reasons Why You Should Be Developing Games

Comments 16
5 min read
Stop Watching Tutorials and Start Writing Your Own Code With These Five Tips

Stop Watching Tutorials and Start Writing Your Own Code With These Five Tips

Comments 2
5 min read
5 Tips for Getting Over Your Fear of Math

5 Tips for Getting Over Your Fear of Math

Comments 1
5 min read