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Top comments (138)
Hi, I am Lanre from Lagos, Nigeria. I started learning to code last year during the pandemic and I'm loving every bit of it including the tech community like CodeNewbie. I am excited to make new tech friends and learn from amazing people here. Thank you.
Welcome to CodeNewbie!
Awesome Lanre, how far have you progressed and what is your desired stack?
I'm just learning basic JavaScript at the moment and I would love to go with the MERN stack
I just recently started on MERN, and am working on my first project. I'm making a personal pet project, but taking it seriously. I've been learning express and mongoose as I go, and it's been great fun to me!
That's awesome!! Well done!!
We're a little bit closer! 😅
Happy coding
Hiya, I'm Lucy from the UK 🇬🇧 and currently living in Cali, Colombia 🇨🇴. I started coding last year during the pandemic and have completely fallen in love. I did CS50 last year and now I'm doing CS50W (both from the University of Harvard). I am looking to connect with more programmers because I have no idea how to make this into a career and feel a bit overwhelmed with it all 🥺. My dream is to be able to work online and support myself financially through coding 😊
Hello Hiya, I did CS50 last year too. That course is really awesome and fun. I noticed you are in Colombia, I am from Pereira, Colombia. I have a couple of JavaScript and technical interview resources if you are interested. Happy coding
Hi Gabriel, thanks for the comment! CS50 is so great. I am actually doing CS50W at the moment, but I am taking my time :)
That's so cool that you are from Colombia. I would love these resources, could you share them with me? :)
I will check CS50W out and see how it goes. For now i am going to finish my course on codecademy on python.
Here are the resources I hope they help:
feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/gabrieleruiz/.
Happy coding
Thank you for the resources, really appreciate it!
I just sent you a request on LinkedIn :)
Hi Lucy, am about taking the CS50 course. I don’t know if it’s really worth it. I’ll really appreciate your review.
Hi Amaechi, I personally loved it because I felt that it gave me a really good foundation in how to think like a programmer. David Malan is an incredible teacher and has an amazing way of explaining difficult things in a simple way.
However, the 2021 course has changed and the lectures are now a lot longer, so it might take a bit more time to complete.
Me whisper in your ear: CS50 IS WORTH IT
Welcome to the CodeNewbie community! 👋
I hope U can aim your goals.
I've through CS50 as well - that was... [no comment]. Lol.
Hello, my name is Stephanie from Kenya. I started learning to code in September last year and I'm currently learning React. I'm so excited to be part of this community😊.
Hello there my neighbor, 😀 I'm from Tanzania.
Hey neighbor👋
What are you currently learning?
Currently, I'm learning JavaScript and python.
That's awesome. How do you find it?
JavaScript is giving me a hard time understanding than Python. But I know things are always hard in the beginning.
So how's Reactjs?
I also had a rough start with JavaScript when I started learning it, but it gets better with time. Learning React has been great so far.
That's awesome.
I'm glad that I found someone that I can talk about tech with, Looking forward knowing you better :)
Welcome to the CodeNewbie community!
Thank you!
Hi all!
My name is Bobby Iliev and I've been working mainly as a Linux DevOps engineer for the past ~8 years! I am happy to answer any Linux-related questions that you have!
I am also a big fan of Laravel and I've been helping with the DevDojo website!
I recently wrote 2 opensource eBooks that you can download for free from GitHub:
Getting started with Git:
Free Introduction to Git and GitHub eBook
This is an open-source introduction to Git and GitHub guide that will help you learn the basics of version control and start using Git for your SysOps, DevOps, and Dev projects. No matter if you are a DevOps/SysOps engineer, developer, or just a Linux enthusiast, you can use Git to track your code changes and collaborate with other members of your team or open source maintainers.
The guide is suitable for anyone working as a developer, system administrator, or a DevOps engineer and wants to learn the basics of Git, GitHub and version control in general.
To download a copy of the ebook use one of the following links:
Dark mode
Light mode
Getting started with Bash scripting:
Free Introduction to Bash Scripting eBook
This is an open-source introduction to Bash scripting guide/ebook that will help you learn the basics of Bash scripting and start writing awesome Bash scripts that will help you automate your daily SysOps, DevOps, and Dev tasks. No matter if you are a DevOps/SysOps engineer, developer, or just a Linux enthusiast, you can use Bash scripts to combine different Linux commands and automate boring and repetitive daily tasks, so that you can focus on more productive and fun things.
The guide is suitable for anyone working as a developer, system administrator, or a DevOps engineer and wants to learn the basics of Bash scripting.
To download a copy of the ebook use one of the following links:
Dark mode
Light mode
The first 13 chapters would be purely focused on getting some solid Bash scripting foundations then the rest of the…
My second post here, and I must say - I'm really glad to see what I see here.
Thanks!!! :-)
Hello everyone ,I am Charles Avul from Benue,Nigeria and I'm a newbie. Learning PHP and reactjs currently. It's been challenging but intriguing as well. Looking forward to meeting and making new friends cheers.
Welcome to the CodeNewbie community!
Thanks Nick Talor
Welcome to the community hope to see more of your journey.
Hello, I'm Ibrah from Tanzania. I started learning coding in December 2020. I love coding but most of the time I feel so demotivated and bored because I don't have a mentor or a learning partner. I know I can't fly solo, so I need someone who's on their own coding journey as a learning partner I know it can make all the different as a beginner.
Hello. I'm Tora from the United States. I am here because I signed up for the CNC2021. I'm an introvert and kind of shy.
I completed my Master in Software Engineering four years ago and having been coding professional for about five years now. I still feel like a newbie and haven't worked on a none work related project since finishing my degree.
I am an accidental .Net Developer. I am currently working in C# and ASP.net
Welcome, Tora!
Just signed up for CNC2021 also! I can also relate to being introverted.
Welcome, Tora!
Thank you!
Hi. I'm Anton from the UK. I am currently re-learning HTML and CSS (and then Javascript) in the hopes of moving into Web Development as a full time career. I am looking forward to meeting new people and getting involved in the community. Much love.
Hello Anton, if you're re-learning HTML & CSS at the moment, you could have a look at the tutorial articles that I've written. Each of them have enough content to keep you engaged in learning Web Development skills but also not burnt out!
Hi Anton!
Hello I am Angelo from Philippines I started learning to code last year during the pandemic and I'm loving every bit of it including the tech community like CodeNewbie. I am excited to make new tech friends and learn from amazing people here. Thank you.
Welcome to the community! The pandemic created a new generation of programmers its one of the few great things that came out of it. I also started blogging back then and have not looked back.
Hello welcome Angelo!
Hey there! My name is Nathan, and I’ve only been developing professionally (Python and JavaScript) for about 2 years. I’m excited about learning and building things! Correctly looking for resources to expand my understanding of writing clean, maintainable, and modular code so if you know of any good books or webseries let me know! 😁🤙🏼
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