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Malcolm Mikazuki

Junior Full Stack Developer in the Making!


Code Institute

Building an SEO friendly Ecommerce store with Shopify

Building an SEO friendly Ecommerce store with Shopify

3 min read

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Habits & Practices to Elevate Your Freelance Developer Career

Habits & Practices to Elevate Your Freelance Developer Career

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3 min read
Elevating client success: The Art and science of superior Marketing services

Elevating client success: The Art and science of superior Marketing services

Comments 2
3 min read
Crafting a memorable Developer portfolio: An in-depth guide to stand out in the digital crowd

Crafting a memorable Developer portfolio: An in-depth guide to stand out in the digital crowd

3 min read
Exploring the fundamental backbone of full stack applications: The power of CRUD

Exploring the fundamental backbone of full stack applications: The power of CRUD

3 min read
Creating an Amazon S3 Bucket for storing media and static files for your website

Creating an Amazon S3 Bucket for storing media and static files for your website

Comments 2
2 min read
Step-by-step guide: Creating an EC2 Instance to Host your website on AWS

Step-by-step guide: Creating an EC2 Instance to Host your website on AWS

Comments 2
3 min read
Navigating contract terms and addressing unpaid extra hours: A guide for employees

Navigating contract terms and addressing unpaid extra hours: A guide for employees

Comments 1
3 min read
Building Inclusive and Accessible Web Pages

Building Inclusive and Accessible Web Pages

3 min read
Finding the Balance: Nurturing downtime for Freelancers and Entrepreneurs

Finding the Balance: Nurturing downtime for Freelancers and Entrepreneurs

3 min read
Navigating Choppy Waters: Effective Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Clients as a Freelancer

Navigating Choppy Waters: Effective Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Clients as a Freelancer

3 min read
UX Design Principles to Create Effective Case Studies

UX Design Principles to Create Effective Case Studies

3 min read
How to Organize and Structure Technical Documentation for your Team

How to Organize and Structure Technical Documentation for your Team

Comments 1
4 min read
How to use Analytics to improve your Technical documentation's performance

How to use Analytics to improve your Technical documentation's performance

3 min read
Ex-Googlers setting the Standard for Creating new Startups[2023 Layoffs]

Ex-Googlers setting the Standard for Creating new Startups[2023 Layoffs]

3 min read
How to Write API Documentation for Non-Technical Users

How to Write API Documentation for Non-Technical Users

3 min read
Understanding the Basics of Software Security for Developers

Understanding the Basics of Software Security for Developers

Comments 2
2 min read
The Role of Collaboration Tools in Developer Productivity

The Role of Collaboration Tools in Developer Productivity

Comments 1
3 min read
The Role of Technical Writers in the Software Development Lifecycle

The Role of Technical Writers in the Software Development Lifecycle

3 min read
Building Applications with React

Building Applications with React

3 min read
What is Reverse Email Lookup and How to Use it Effectively

What is Reverse Email Lookup and How to Use it Effectively

2 min read
How to Scrape from LinkedIn with Python

How to Scrape from LinkedIn with Python

5 min read
Working on Full Stack Applications!

Working on Full Stack Applications!

Comments 4
5 min read
Job Search Blues

Job Search Blues

Comments 5
3 min read
Learning Modern JavaScript & JQuery

Learning Modern JavaScript & JQuery

Comments 3
3 min read
Working on My Portfolio!

Working on My Portfolio!

Comments 5
2 min read
I Failed...

I Failed...

Comments 2
2 min read
2nd Hackathon Experience! MindScape.

2nd Hackathon Experience! MindScape.

Comments 2
3 min read
Working on my 2nd Project: JavaScript Tic Tac Toe!

Working on my 2nd Project: JavaScript Tic Tac Toe!

Comments 3
2 min read
Creating my First official Project: Mellow Tè

Creating my First official Project: Mellow Tè

Comments 6
2 min read
Entering a new space for Coding.

Entering a new space for Coding.

2 min read
Learning Git and and comitting through "I.S"

Learning Git and and comitting through "I.S"

Comments 1
2 min read