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Cover image for CodeLand 2021 Hallway β€” Day Two

CodeLand 2021 Hallway β€” Day Two

CodeNewbie Staff on September 24, 2021

Welcome to the Day Two CodeLand 2021 Hallway! Your place to meet other attendees and share in the collective CodeLand experience. ...
ana profile image
ammpedro • Edited

Truffle: zzzz

Truffle and I are staying up for day 2 πŸ˜…

varghesejose2020 profile image
Varghese Jose


ana profile image

Hey there ☺️ how are you enjoying Codeland so far?

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varghesejose2020 profile image
Varghese Jose


gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Hey hey!

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varghesejose2020 profile image
Varghese Jose


stephback profile image
Stephanie Back

Truffle is adorable! 😍

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)


andrewprohde profile image
Andy Rohde (he/him)

Good morning fellow CodeNewbies! Meetings this morning kept me from joining in earlier, but now I have coffee and I'm ready to go!
Me with my favorite mug

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Good mug :)

deweyhammers profile image
Richard Dewey Hammers

Hahah this is great!

itsasine profile image

Cat curled up in bed asleep

The cat is so ready for day two

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Haha! So perfectly curled up on that fluffy little bed.

itsasine profile image

The biggest surprise was that I bought a bed and he actually sleeps in it

varghesejose2020 profile image
Varghese Jose


ben profile image
Ben Halpern


gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)


brittanyhuntzberry profile image
Brittany Huntzberry

Hey, good morning from the Phoenix area in Arizona, United States! You can call me Brittany, I use she/her pronouns.

I do web dev stuff. I'd like to do more writing, documentation, and share what I learn in the future.

Here's a photo of my pet rat, Chirp. She's my favorite model.
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ben profile image
Ben Halpern


clarke profile image
Clarke Jacobse (they/them)

Hi everyone, so excited for day 2 after such a good first day! My cat Oscar is lounging behind me as I join today 🐱

A fluffy black and white cat lounging by a sunny window

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Oscar has some seriously great fur and looks way comfy. Thanks for sharing this! πŸ˜€

ndrwriter profile image

Hi everyone! I'm Indy, a mom and coder in Canada. I originally started out working tech support/ hardware, but life happened and I ran an unrelated business for the last decade. Last year I decided to start over and do what I love, so I've been re-learning old skills and picking up HTML and CSS. I'm waitlisted for completing my degree, so I'm spending the year learning through online resources and trying to sort out this next chapter. I hope everyone is enjoying day 2!

tarynmcmillan profile image
Taryn McMillan

I'm a mom and coder in Canada too! I come from an unrelated field so this also feels like the start of a new chapter.

emilybrooks profile image
Emily Brooks (She/Her)

Hi all! I am seeking advice about social media. Personally, I chose to stop social media about a year ago. For me, that meant the daily instagram and occasional FB. But now as I venture into coding I feel like I should be connected. I want to meet new people and network well, so Im thinking twitter might be a good choice. Social media can be so addictive and time consuming, I am just weary of going down that path again. So, Im curious what other people might advise. Is it necessary? worth it? How do you do it well professionally without it overflowing into personal life? Any insight is appreciated!

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

I definitely got super sucked into Twitter when I found Developer Twitter and ended up addicted for a while.

I've toned back and adjusted the way I use Twitter - on my phone I only look at specific hashtag searches and my replies. Desktop in the morning is where I get my catch-up on what's happened (I also keep my follow count low so I can catch what I want to see).

As for worth it - I think participating in the weekly Dev Discuss (Tuesday nights) and Code Newbie (Wednesday Nights) twitter chats are some of the most fun ways to meet other devs and learn from and interact with some of the most knowledgeable and welcoming developers on the platform! Highly recommend if you do want to join Twitter :D

emilybrooks profile image
Emily Brooks (She/Her)

Yeah, I like the idea of keeping it very small and code/tech/job related only. And I like the chat idea. Thank you!

jrrohrer profile image
Jessie Rohrer

I never had Twitter before I started coding, and it has been a great resource. I've found lots of people sharing their learning in the form of cheatsheets, videos, and other resources. I think if you curate it to be coding-centric, it will not be a waste of time.
I never was able to completely give up my social media, but I have been more careful about curating my accounts, making sure I'm following people who create content I find value in and taking advantage of algorithms that want to show me more content based on that.
And if I find myself wasting too much time with social media, I will use timers to control how much time I spend scrolling and reading every day, which allows me to stay connected but still get stuff done. I can't speak for iphones, but my samsung comes with a lot of options for controlling how much time I have certain apps open, and that has been really helpful.

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Hi Emily!

I started to do Twitter when I found out about tech community.
I still use Instagram (strictly for my family & close friends) and occasonally FB (also strictly for some groups).
I can limit myself with social media, so it's not a problem for me.

But if you let go of social media because you're tired of it, you can join communities if you want to meet new people & networking.
You can start here at CodeNewbie! πŸ˜„

matt_eves_ profile image
Matt Eves

Hi Emily - this resonated with me, I'm pretty anti-social when it comes to social media πŸ€”, but, starting to learn coding got me onto Twitter which I've pretty much set up 20% following work related stuff (public/population health) and the majority being newbie coding stuff. The benefit is the Twitter algorithm serves me up an echo chamber of relevant stuff, which has def been useful (prompting thought / looking signpost to sites etc.) - but, requires a degree of discipline to not allow it to be yet another forum that can over-face you / serve as an enabler to making you feel you're inadequate compared to other "proper coders". A talk yesterday from PJ really resonated on this front - you only get to see everyone else's highlight reel compared to your own personal all-access blooper reel; worth staying cognisant of that (was a useful reminder for me, so noting here in case useful for you too). bw.

emilybrooks profile image
Emily Brooks (She/Her)

Yes! I watched that talk as well. Good tip - to not let it serve as a comparison forum, but rather a connection and learning tool. Thanks!!

stephback profile image
Stephanie Back

Hi @emilyewilson , LinkedIn is also a great social media platform and it provides an opportunity to showcase yourself as a professional. :)

emilybrooks profile image
Emily Brooks (She/Her)

Oh yes!! I plan to update LinkedIn ASAP!! Good point!

irmskie profile image

I have just started coding this month. Since yesterday my boyfriend has been hearing the intermission music on CodeLand 2021 and said "are you sure you're trying to become a coder? Because it sounds like you're trying to become a DJ" :D

deweyhammers profile image
Richard Dewey Hammers

Tuning in for day two with my kitty gigi
Alt text of image

tyler320sc profile image
Tyler Carroll

Hey everybody, glad to be here! I'm a codeNewbie learning React / fullstack JS / Ruby ( a lil Haskell too ). I have a background in addiction, drugs, jail and gangs. I left all of this behind for a newfound spiritual walk years ago, however due to my lifestyle I had almost no marketable skills. It's been difficult providing for my family (one child is badly handicapped). This is where coding has come in, it's making it possible for me to make right many wrongs and soon hopefully it'll be my 1st real career! Allowing me the means to provide my special needs daughter a proper home. I came here to learn and connect with others, cheers!

Twitter: @TyCarroll320 YouTube channel: Real . Dev

stephback profile image
Stephanie Back • Edited

Hello! Super excited to continue meeting everyone and I can't wait to see what Day 2 of #CodeLand has in store!

P.S. My dog turned 8 today! She's officially an old lady. xD

Picture of birthday hound:

Edit: I completely forgot to include my LinkedIn link:
I would love to connect with everyone! :D

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

Happy birthday! I hope she gets extra treats and pets today! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

stephback profile image
Stephanie Back

Thanks @terabytetiger ! I have a special dinner/treat/snugglefest planned for her after CodeLand. 😁

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terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ I bet she will love it!

theoriginalbpc profile image
Sarah Dye

Hello! I'm Sarah and I'm a fullstack web developer from Canton, Ohio. I'm ready for day 2 of Codeland. I am especially looking forward to the open source talks. I am particularly looking forward to Tulio's talk about becoming an open source contributor.

My coding journey is still moving along. Right now I'm learning Ruby on Rails as I continue to look for web developer jobs. Once I have finished with Ruby on Rails, I'd like to learn Angular.js. Other than Ruby on Rails, I've been working on a presentation I'm giving for Girl Develop It next month, building a open source project I'd like to publish for Hacktoberfest next month, and getting ready to launch my own YouTube channel.

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

That's cool, Sarah!
Let me know when you launch your YT channel!

mahyellaw profile image
MJ Torres

an interaction section with the community AND we get to see pet pics?! i'm sold! >:D
btw hey peeps, i'm a self-proclaimed game developer and currently a 10th grade student here in the Philippines. <3

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Hi everyone,
Finally I can pop in! Have a sick kid in the house who finally fell asleep.

I'm Ayu, self-taught frontend developer & technical blogger based in The Netherlands.
Glad to be here for Day 2!

a seal waving gif

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Oh hello everyone! I missed leaving a comment from the first day... but here I am!

My name is Thomas, I live in France and I'm 22 years old. I'm mainly a front-end web developer, but I like to touch everything to discover more.

I've no favorites posts to #CodeLand2021, but I appreciate those who are on the subject of accessibility, contribution and voluntary work. πŸ˜„

I learned to develop alone at home, without necessarily the help of someone. My studies were not there for this occasion, I learn every day and I share this from time to time on my DEV profile or on my personal website (Only available in french language for the moment, sorry).

roasted99 profile image
Kham Lao

Hi I’m joining codeland from Myanmar (Burma). But it’s almost midnight here so I didn’t get a chance to watch Code in drag yesterday. I’m new to coding and currently learning JavaScript.

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

πŸ₯³ JavaScript is awesome (once you get past the initial learning curve πŸ˜…)

roasted99 profile image
Kham Lao

Ohh yes it gets very frustrating sometimes

varghesejose2020 profile image
Varghese Jose

Javascript is base of react reactnative

slimhero619 profile image
Anthony Drake

Hi everyone. This is my first ever developer/coding convention type thing. I cant wait till things open in person but its cool to be here virtually!

mahyellaw profile image
MJ Torres

just finished my binge-watching session of the talks i missed! all in time before the second day started :D happy viewing, everyone <33

andrewprohde profile image
Andy Rohde (he/him)

What was your favorite talk from day 1?

mahyellaw profile image
MJ Torres

definitely the "You're Not an Imposter, You're a Life-Long Learner" one because i'm at that stage of facing burnout and self-doubt in my game dev journey lately. felt a lot better now though :D

varghesejose2020 profile image
Varghese Jose

Hi I am Varghese From India. I am a Open Source Contributor|Full Stack Developer|FOSS Enthusiast

dizzydoo profile image

Hey all from Trinidad and Tobago, missed a bit of day one but I made it on time for day two!
I've been learning a bit of node.js and Python as a hobby but I hope the talks from this conference give me the motivation to get back into it and hopefully make a career out of it too

elleon003 profile image
elleon003 • Edited

My workspace today (Mac & Windows Life):
Mac & Windows Life

stephback profile image
Stephanie Back

Great cross-stitch! πŸ˜‚

elleon003 profile image

Thanks! It's an old family life guideline, lol

harshbsv profile image
Harshvardhan Basava

Hey guys!

stephback profile image
Stephanie Back

Thanks for a great CodeLand everyone! :D This was an amazing conference and it was wonderful to meet everyone!

debrakayelliott profile image
Debra-Kaye Elliott

Here for Day 2!

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Heya, Debra-Kaye!!!

debrakayelliott profile image
Debra-Kaye Elliott

Hey Ayu! πŸ‘‹πŸΎ

srivera12 profile image
Sarah Rivera

Hello everyone! Hope you all are as hyped for Day 2 as I am.

rosewms profile image
Rose Williams

Yaaaay, more docs talks!

ycode3 profile image

Hi everyone! I’m Yoshi. I’m just joining now. I’m into web development. Currently, learning and practicing JavaScript.

*the pic is a few months old but does the trick.

Nice to meet you all!

angelfirenze01 profile image
Angelfirenze • Edited

This is my first successful day attending @codelandconf. I've restarted my second session of #100DaysOfCode, learning JavaScript.

varghesejose2020 profile image
Varghese Jose


stephback profile image
Stephanie Back

Way to go @angelfirenze01 ! I'm starting the #100DaysOfCode Challenge using Java. :)

fenrix__r8 profile image
πŸš€ Ishan Velle { πŸ–¦ 🍁 πŸ—Ί } • Edited

Hey, everyone!Β πŸ‘‹Β Here now, a bit late though. Excited for Day-2!Β πŸ˜ƒ

rockerkitten profile image
Corey • Edited

my desk AND my cats, win win :D
cats and desk

ckn00b profile image
Christian New


callumreid profile image

Good morning from Oakland, ready for day 2!

luiscastillokc profile image
Luis Castillo • Edited

I'm attending CodeLand 2021 from my "Kitchen Lab"

Note: my image of my Kitchen Lab is not uploading.

varghesejose2020 profile image
Varghese Jose

Awaiting for the second day

angelfirenze01 profile image

Hello! I'm Nicole and I'm starting to learn JavaScript. I'm much more proficient at HTML/CSS and Git. I was learning Java and Ruby, but have had to take a break for financial reasons.

codemekathy profile image
Kathy Lambert • Edited

Excited for day two. Way to kick it off with the the desk tours... πŸ‘€πŸ˜πŸ€― Wow!!

jrrohrer profile image
Jessie Rohrer

Excited for day 2!! Hanging out here with my pup Scout and prepped for today's workshop :D

coder_jt profile image

Hie, my name is John Thole. I am attending codeland from South Africa and i am learning Node.js

nickstello profile image

Hello again from Canada! πŸ‘‹πŸ»

dpatton1992 profile image

I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the A11y workshop. I had never heard heard about ARIA live regions. Does anyone have any accessibility resources that they would like to share?

varghesejose2020 profile image
Varghese Jose


noviicee profile image

I don't have a pet :')

noviicee profile image

Hello all!
πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯

angelfirenze01 profile image

'Zines' is short for 'magazines'. sighs

angelfirenze01 profile image

I have a doctor's appointment today; can I watch the talks later?

andrewprohde profile image
Andy Rohde (he/him)

They should all be available on demand afterwards if you missed some