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wpbeginner for all things WordPress

This series is a project inspired by @dickiebush’s "Ship 30 for 30” Atomic Essays. Which, I commit to spend 30 minutes a day for 30 days straight to write a short essay about software development tools that I love. My goal is to build my daily writing habit and connect to more people. Check out #ship30for30 on Twitter.

I have passed the beginner stage of WordPress user for a while now. It was a frustrating journey at first, then got easier at times, then became frustrating again when getting deeper into it. I have used WordPress for blogging, e-commerce, and news broadcasting. Although it’s a really powerful tool, it has its own challenges.

Troubleshooting happens often. And I learn to like it.

I read a bunch of documentations about WordPress itself and plugins. I love when I find useful and straight-to-the-point tutorials when having to solve specific problems.

Alt Textwpbeginner Homepage

wpbeginner is a great website I rely on so many times. Even though a lot of content aims for helping WordPress beginners, it’s valuable to users at all levels. Let me tell you why I like it so much.

  • Well-organized content – Content is organized by subheadings and bullet points, which make it easy to skim. It’s straightforward and includes links to relevant resources. Above all, it has video tutorials! Those motion tutorials are so effective, especially when solving complex problems.
  • Great user interface – This is big. wpbeginner maintains the website layout so simple and comfortable to read or skim through. The main section has a width of around 700px with generous line height. Ads section is placed appropriately and not cluttered the page. All paragraphs are about three to four lines long and not more. It’s a great example of a user-friendly website.
  • Big focus on WordPress beginner users – Tutorials and documentations on the website still aims towards beginners as its core focus. I think the website communicates this intention so well through each section of the platform and that makes the beginners feel supported.

The site exercises the use of icons and search bars to help with navigation. Above all, wpbeginner has a large community on social media and newsletter that is so helpful for the users.

For me, wpbeginner has been a good friend that simplifies my journey of using WordPress for years now. And I highly recommend it for all the WordPress people out there if you haven’t known about it already.

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