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Web Development

This tag is for content related to web development. You can use it on tutorials, personal stories about building developing a simple single static page, or something more high-level!


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How to use Enums in Golang

How to use Enums in Golang

Comments 1
3 min read
Interview: Post-bootcamp success story

Interview: Post-bootcamp success story

Comments 1
9 min read
How to Create and Publish Nuxt Component Library

How to Create and Publish Nuxt Component Library

Comments 3
3 min read
Interested in a coding bootcamp? Make sure you're ready.

Interested in a coding bootcamp? Make sure you're ready.

Comments 3
4 min read
5 Resources to Boost Your Problem-Solving Skills

5 Resources to Boost Your Problem-Solving Skills

3 min read
How to send emails from your website using Twilio SendGrid

How to send emails from your website using Twilio SendGrid

Comments 6
8 min read
GPU Acceleration for Cloud Video Encoding

GPU Acceleration for Cloud Video Encoding

Comments 2
3 min read
ABR: Your Ticket to a Smooth Streaming Experience

ABR: Your Ticket to a Smooth Streaming Experience

3 min read
Building an SEO friendly Ecommerce store with Shopify

Building an SEO friendly Ecommerce store with Shopify

3 min read
State Management in React: Guide to useState Hook

State Management in React: Guide to useState Hook

Comments 1
4 min read
Key Difference between Java and JavaScript

Key Difference between Java and JavaScript

4 min read
How to Achieve Effortless List Item Animation and Reordering in Flutter

How to Achieve Effortless List Item Animation and Reordering in Flutter

4 min read
JavaScript Spread Operator

JavaScript Spread Operator

Comments 4
2 min read
Top 5 Online Platforms for Learning Coding for Free

Top 5 Online Platforms for Learning Coding for Free

2 min read


7 min read
Unveiling 5 Game-Changing Component Libraries in 2024 🔥

Unveiling 5 Game-Changing Component Libraries in 2024 🔥

Comments 1
1 min read
PHP 8.3: How to Update the PHP Version of Your WordPress Site

PHP 8.3: How to Update the PHP Version of Your WordPress Site

Comments 1
3 min read
React Mini Projects For Beginners

React Mini Projects For Beginners

Comments 1
2 min read
How to Win Over Your Audience with Social Proof

How to Win Over Your Audience with Social Proof

6 min read
State and Props in React - explained

State and Props in React - explained

Comments 2
4 min read
Essential concepts to master React

Essential concepts to master React

Comments 2
5 min read
10 Cool CodePen Demos (January 2024)

10 Cool CodePen Demos (January 2024)

Comments 1
3 min read
A day in the life of a developer - Building a dashboard app with SQL, Node.js, Django and Next.js

A day in the life of a developer - Building a dashboard app with SQL, Node.js, Django and Next.js

Comments 6
32 min read
From Ideas to Interfaces: A Deep Dive into Our Chennai Web Design Studio

From Ideas to Interfaces: A Deep Dive into Our Chennai Web Design Studio

Comments 1
4 min read
New HTML Control Lands in Safari

New HTML Control Lands in Safari

Comments 5
4 min read
Strategies for Automated Testing and Continuous Deployment

Strategies for Automated Testing and Continuous Deployment

Comments 5
3 min read
Speech Recognition: Use Cases and Solutions

Speech Recognition: Use Cases and Solutions

5 min read
10 Cool CodePen Demos (December 2023)

10 Cool CodePen Demos (December 2023)

Comments 61
2 min read
10 Must-Have Tools for Programmers

10 Must-Have Tools for Programmers

Comments 2
3 min read
Unleashing Creativity and Efficiency: The Comprehensive Guide to GPT Workflow

Unleashing Creativity and Efficiency: The Comprehensive Guide to GPT Workflow

Comments 4
6 min read
How to Hire Flutter App Developers in 2024

How to Hire Flutter App Developers in 2024

6 min read
Creating Progressive Enhanced CodePen Links and Embeds

Creating Progressive Enhanced CodePen Links and Embeds

9 min read
A Comprehensive Guide to GPT Implementation

A Comprehensive Guide to GPT Implementation

Comments 1
5 min read
Learn Generative AI this December [For Free]

Learn Generative AI this December [For Free]

Comments 43
4 min read
Interview Tips: “Tell Me About a Time You Made a Mistake” in an Interview

Interview Tips: “Tell Me About a Time You Made a Mistake” in an Interview

Comments 16
4 min read
Unlocking the Power of Conversations: Exploring ChatGPT Integration Services

Unlocking the Power of Conversations: Exploring ChatGPT Integration Services

Comments 5
5 min read
From Front Desk to Front End p.42 Portfolio Polish and Nuances of Aria-Labels

From Front Desk to Front End p.42 Portfolio Polish and Nuances of Aria-Labels

3 min read
When You Know, You (Don’t) Know

When You Know, You (Don’t) Know

2 min read
10 Cool CodePen Demos (November 2023)

10 Cool CodePen Demos (November 2023)

3 min read
CSS Art: Drawing Santa Claus in CSS

CSS Art: Drawing Santa Claus in CSS

Comments 2
15 min read
🚀 5 PRO Tips for an Unbeatable README! 🥊

🚀 5 PRO Tips for an Unbeatable README! 🥊

Comments 4
6 min read
Journey to Crafting a Responsive QR Code Component

Journey to Crafting a Responsive QR Code Component

2 min read
Revolutionizing Sales Performance: The Impact of ChatGPT

Revolutionizing Sales Performance: The Impact of ChatGPT

5 min read
Unleashing the Power of GPT Models in Enterprise: A Comprehensive Guide

Unleashing the Power of GPT Models in Enterprise: A Comprehensive Guide

Comments 4
4 min read
10 Cool CodePen Demos (October 2023)

10 Cool CodePen Demos (October 2023)

Comments 1
2 min read
From Front Desk to Front End p.41 Recipe App with a Team

From Front Desk to Front End p.41 Recipe App with a Team

Comments 3
5 min read
Transforming Customer Engagement: Exploring the Salesforce ChatGPT Plugin

Transforming Customer Engagement: Exploring the Salesforce ChatGPT Plugin

Comments 4
4 min read
Creating an Interactive Image Gallery with HTML and CSS

Creating an Interactive Image Gallery with HTML and CSS

Comments 1
8 min read
🤫 A Secret Technique To Sidestep LLM Hallucinations [With Examples]

🤫 A Secret Technique To Sidestep LLM Hallucinations [With Examples]

3 min read
Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT for Google Ads Success

Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT for Google Ads Success

Comments 5
4 min read
Chess and Braille and Coding...OH MY!!!

Chess and Braille and Coding...OH MY!!!

Comments 2
4 min read
Why do we need JSX in React?

Why do we need JSX in React?

Comments 5
4 min read
Everything About HTML: A Beginner’s Guide

Everything About HTML: A Beginner’s Guide

Comments 3
17 min read
Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT CRM Integration: Streamlining Customer Relationships

Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT CRM Integration: Streamlining Customer Relationships

Comments 3
5 min read
Is It Possible To Become a Programmer in 3 Months?

Is It Possible To Become a Programmer in 3 Months?

Comments 1
5 min read
6 AI Tools You Have To Know as a Software Developer! 🛠 🤯

6 AI Tools You Have To Know as a Software Developer! 🛠 🤯

3 min read
The Toll of Long Hours on Developers’ Health

The Toll of Long Hours on Developers’ Health

Comments 4
4 min read
Integrating SendGrid with Node.js for sending transactional emails

Integrating SendGrid with Node.js for sending transactional emails

6 min read
Build an AI Powered Moderation System in Under 10 Minutes Using JavaScript

Build an AI Powered Moderation System in Under 10 Minutes Using JavaScript

5 min read
LinkedIn Voyager API: The Ultimate Developer’s Guide

LinkedIn Voyager API: The Ultimate Developer’s Guide

Comments 1
7 min read