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Cover image for #CNC2021 "Write More" Mission 1 Submission Thread
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#CNC2021 "Write More" Mission 1 Submission Thread

After completing all the steps in your Mission 1 email, post top three writing ideas in the thread below. Check out what others are thinking of writing about and give some feedback to them, also!

Congrats on challenging yourself to Write More! If you have any questions about the challenge overall, head to the Write More Help Thread. For any technical questions throughout the challenge (or in general!) write a #help post and share with the community!

Top comments (49)

lyqht profile image
Estee Tey • Edited

I wanna thank the CodeNewbie Team for the great list of considerations in terms of both good and bad reasons whether an idea should be eliminated. ✨ If not for that, I would have eliminated a lot more ideas because of how there's already existing articles on the same topics I was keen to write on πŸ˜†

Here are my top 3 writing ideas out of the 10:

  1. Explainer: Introduction to Event Driven Architecture
    • this was something requested by my work buddy for me to learn and share my findings!
  2. Explainer: VueJS concepts for React developers
    • I had no prior experience in VueJS but I got onboarded to a project with it. It was initially scary but I noticed that there were many concepts that React has taught us in web dev that are still applicable to this framework.
  3. Project: TDD with custom React hook - how I tried to add useSkeleton logic
gaurang847 profile image

I'm not much in front-end. But I'm definitely looking forward to your article on Event Driven Architecture! :)

lyqht profile image
Estee Tey

thank you πŸ˜„

julieg18 profile image

2 sounds really cool! As a React developer myself, I'd be interested in learning some Vue concepts!

lyqht profile image
Estee Tey

Yay! Look forward to that :D

wolde_ai profile image

All great ideas to write about.

julieg18 profile image

My three writing ideas:

  1. Ways to Place Variables in Python Strings - Shows a couple ways you place variables in Python strings. Also names the pros/cons of each way.
  2. 5 Cool JS Web APIs - Lists 5 different JavaScript Web APIs, explaining what each one does and an example on what you could do with it.
  3. How to create bash terminal shortcuts - A tutorial on creating terminal shortcuts on a bash terminal.
juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez

Those are great ideas for articles! For #3 I think you could scope it down a little more to have some of the most important/useful shortcuts so you don't end up with a massive article that you end up doubting about hahaha.

wolde_ai profile image

I have started learning Python recently so I will be looking forward to reading your articles. Your 2nd idea seems fun and there is a lot to learn from the third idea as well. I look forward to reading your articles.

lyqht profile image
Estee Tey

Personally looking forward to article 2 πŸ˜† Haven't used JS Web Native APIs for the longest time!

For article 3, would it be normal bash terminal shortcuts or zsh?

julieg18 profile image

I'm not sure yet, I need to look into how both are done, and decide which one.

terrifricker profile image
Terri Fricker

These look great. Have you written any of them yet?

gaurang847 profile image

Here are my three writing ideas:

  1. Explainer: How I used cherry-pick to solve a Git issue with Forking workflow

    Something that I recently worked on. I want to write it down so that it could be useful to others.

  2. Explainer: What are Node.js Streams?

    I feel Node.js streams are something people rarely talk about. And it's a mystery for most. I want to share whatever information I have gained about them.

  3. Project: Integrating a payment-gateway in an e-commerce website (Focus on Backend part)

    For a long time, I've worked with payment gateways. I want to create a project that people can used as a reference by people who might be new to e-commerce.

wolde_ai profile image

All three are superb ideas to write about. I am particularly interested to read about your idea mainly because I just started an eCommerce website project. I will be looking forward to reading your articles

gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Great ideas here! I know from personal experience that the explainer you described would be super valuable :)

lyqht profile image
Estee Tey

Agree with you that Node.js Streams is a concept that not many people talks about, looking forward to hearing your perspective of it! ✨

xav83 profile image
Xavier Jouvenot

Great ideas ! I personally feel more concerned by the one about Git, since I don't do a lot of web development πŸ˜„

julieg18 profile image

As someone who still struggles with NodeJS streams, 2 sounds awesome!

oerts profile image
Oz Ertas

These are the things that I'd like to write about:

  • how to use array.splice()

I recently faced a challenge where I struggled with using splice in a for loop. It's actually a very simple mistake but for any beginners out there, I think it would be useful to know ahead of time.

  • building a simple portfolio

I'm planning on building a simple portfolio website to show everything I worked on so far and I would like to document the journey.

  • Introduction to OOP principles

I've been studying OOP for a while and I read a lot of books on it. I think writing an article on simplified OOP principles would both be useful for me and anyone else looking for a simple explanation on the topic.

lyqht profile image
Estee Tey

Hey Oz! I think your first article is pretty cool, maybe you would want to include the "in a foor loop" in the title directly πŸ˜„ I think performing array manipulations within loop iterations is something that many newbies would be keen to learn!

Good luck to all ur 3 articles!

iyanushow profile image

First mission
My top three writing ideas:

I have a very good understanding of the β€˜this’ keyword and its applications and people seem to have problems with it. Although I get it wrong sometimes, I generally fair better with it.
I enjoy using either of these two in my css rather than css frameworks and they seem to be easier to manage
Hooks in react are everything, and they make life easy for me

wolde_ai profile image
000 • Edited

My three writing ideas:

  1. Tutorial: How to use higher order functions in JavaScriptπŸ€“

I think higher order functions are essential and very powerful for simplifying problems and solve them. I think it will also help me consolidate my Knowledge of those functions as I try to explain them to other people.

  1. Explainer: Basics of Solidity language😁.

I am thinking of writing an article on the basics of Solidity language since I have a lot of interest in blockchain. I was excited to learn about it because it operates at the intersection of software development, data science/data management, cyberSecurity and Economics. I also think it will have a substantial amount of impact on different aspects of our lives in the future. So I think it is a great opportunity for me to learn and deepen my knowledge on the topic by writing about it.

  1. Project: Challenges and Lesson learned from building my portfolio page🧐

I recently finished building my portfolio page. You can check it out here: . I experienced several challenges and there's definitely a lot of lessons I learned from it. I want to share those challenges, how I overcome them and what I learned from those experiences. I also want to get more feedback if possible for my portfolio page. I realized it can be difficult to get feedback from people for different reasons but by constructively criticizing my work, I might interest more people to give feedback. And that can be helpful to all of us.

lyqht profile image
Estee Tey

Hey Dennis! I'm quite keen on reading your first article since this is more advanced concept that I have not tried out yet πŸ˜„

For your 3rd project, here is some of my feedback:

  • I like your big social media buttons, its kinda funny that only LinkedIn is blue and the rest is black. But at the same time its strange that I can see the social media buttons twice on the same page (the big ones + the small ones at the footer) due to lack of content. Perhaps you might wanna remove the footer if your portfolio page isn't very long.
  • Your introduction
    • i think it is quite fun that you have an interactive segment where i can click the next button to know more about you. but you should add more padding between the text and around the them, it is difficult to read on a desktop.
    • A bit strange that i'm seeing your introduction twice - one that is animated and the other that is static. It makes me want to read only the static one.
  • It is not immediately clear that the icons represents the skill sets that you have. A short header will be helpful, especially for screen-readers that are navigating your site before they tab to your icons.
  • The first time i click the toggle dark/light mode, nothing happens.
  • As i personally have a high degree of glare in my eyesight, the changing neon color border on your profile is painful to look at πŸ˜“

Overall, good job!

wolde_ai profile image

Hey Estee!

  • 1st Thank you so much for the valuable feedback. I really do appreciate it. I will definitely look into better use of color combination when it comes to the changing neon color border. Even though I try to be cognizant of how the user interface is implemented, I did not take neon colors into consideration. I will make the change. I am constantly trying to optimize user experience.
  • I am glad you found the interactive segment fun😊. That was what I was aiming for. The reasoning behind two introductions is mainly because I had two different audiences for my portfolio website in mind. The first being recruiters and the second being developers and/or everyone else who would like to connect with me. I've heard recruiters gloss over portfolio websites and so I made the animated intro with that in mind.
  • I will include a short header to represent the skill set I have. I think that is a great idea.
  • I think the toggle dark/light mode has issue and I have experienced the some problem with it as well. I will try to debug and find out what the problem is so that I can fix it.
  • As far as the color choice of the social media icons, I am not going to change it because I that's the colors those social media companies use. I want to make it look as real as possible. Maybe I might consider the color change for the resume to balance it out.
  • The reason why I have the social media buttons in the footer in smaller size as well is not because I run out of content. It's more because I wanted a place where the user can access them from all the pages instead of only the home page.

I will definitely make some of the changes. Follow me to check out my first article on higher order functions and I will be looking forward for some more feedbacks & discussion on the topic.

Anyways, thank you so much for the feedbackπŸ™πŸΎπŸ˜Š.

Thread Thread
lyqht profile image
Estee Tey

Great! Happy to know that my feedback helped.

gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Ooh I would LOVE to read that Solidity article. Sounds fascinating.

wolde_ai profile image

That's great to hear! I will share it here when I write about it. Thank you

harrekki profile image
David LaRocco

I had no trouble coming up with ideas, but narrowing down the list was way harder! So here are the three I'm considering:

  1. Explainer - this References
    • This was a pain-point for me when I started learning JS, and I've heard it from other people too. I didn't really get it until I studied Java and OOP, so I want to see if I can break down the concept.
  2. Tutorial - Customizing/Optimizing VS Code
    • VS Code users know there are new features being added all the time, but it took me a long time to get comfortable with some of the best ones, like mulit-cursor and rich-language editing, and things like setting the default language for folders. Mainly I want to up my game while bringing some other people with me!
  3. Project - Creating a WordPress blog on AWS
    • Been procrastinating on this for a while. I recently got my Cloud Practitioner cert and want to put my knowledge to practical use. And I can show the free tier options on AWS, so everyone knows you can easily host a website or blog there free for a year!
adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Love all your ideas! I have trouble as well in understanding this. So I would love to read your article once it's up! πŸ˜€

xav83 profile image
Xavier Jouvenot

Hi everyone πŸ˜ƒ !

I am continuing on the same trend as last week, by publishing an article about this challenge Mission in the following post πŸ™‚
Unlike the article I have made about the Pre-Mission which was more an opportunity to introduce myself to the CodeNewbie community, this article talks more about the process I followed during this mission, heavily based on the instructions given by CodeNewbie for our homework.
It is a more personal article as it is very subjective and it will help me, at the end of the challenge, to look back on the steps I followed and see my progression.
Moreover, if you have any advice about how I could have made my post better, or if you only want to say "Hi", feel free to post a comment on it ! πŸ™‚

To come back to the purpose of this mission, here are 5 ideas I have found, with the first 3 being the one that I will most likely pick for the rest of the Challenge:

  1. Tutorial - Adding a logo to a Chocolatey package πŸ‘
    • Since I maintain several Chocolatey package and that this is an issue I have encountered very recently, it would be nice to share this knowledge with other, and i will be able to easily come back to it if necessary πŸ˜‰
  2. Explainer - Time Management - Pomodoro πŸ…
    • This is a time management technique that I use and enjoy on a regular basis, and would like to talk about with other member of the community
  3. Explainer - The benefits of Blogging πŸ–ŠοΈ
    • I like this idea a lot as it synergize very well with this challenge, and I want people to give people the desire to write about what they like
  4. Technical - Interacting with GitHub from the command line πŸ’»
    • This article could be an entertaining introduction to the tool gh which can be used to interact easily with GitHub from a terminal
  5. Explainer - GitHub Actions basics πŸ”—

If you want more details about those ideas, and how I came up with them, I have logged everything in this article, which will probably help me a lot for the next mission πŸ˜„

Finally, I want to thank CodeNewbie Team, as I really appreciate the work that has been done for each of the mail I received so far, and I really enjoy the application (Plant Nanny) that you highlighted ! ❀️

Thank you all for reading this relatively long comment,
Have a splendid day πŸ™‚

gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Nice work!! So glad you're enjoying the challenge.

YES β€” isn't Plant Nanny awesome?

khloeabrown profile image
Khloe Brown • Edited

Hello, Hello πŸ‘‹

I was able to narrow down my list to the following three ideas:

  • Project Progress: Save the Bees! A β€œproject” blog that is a series of updates on a website I’m creating to promote information and ways to conserve the natural honey bee population.
  • A Responsive Navbar in 3 Styles A β€œtutorial” blog to show readers how to make a navigation bar in a few different ways for a mobile viewport that’s UI friendly.
  • Is College Worth It? An β€œexplainer” blog to discuss my experience and recall other’s experience with going to college for web design or development versus other means of learning code in today’s world of knowledge and resources.
lyqht profile image
Estee Tey

All are great ideas! 🐝

anasooya2601 profile image
Anasooya Dutta

My three ideas are;
1) explainer:
Event handling in react.
2)Tutorial:react hooks and making custom hooks
3)explainer:Debounce in react and compare debounce in functional and class component

lyqht profile image
Estee Tey

wow all 3 ideas are on React! ✨ I'm definitely excited to read all of them.

Just curious, in your first article will you be expanding on Synthetic Events?

anasooya2601 profile image
Anasooya Dutta

Would consider now.πŸ˜„